Khan Academy

Although it may have become over-used in some classrooms, Khan Academy is still a fantastic resource. If a student wants to learn more about a specific subject, all they have to do is search on this website. Teachers can also reinforce student learning through these tutorials.

I have been astounded by the perseverance of the founder to provide educational opportunities to people no matter their location. He advocated for his idea for a number of years before he was able to get the financial backing to support it. I may be biased as I was able to hear him share his personal story at a ShareFair sponsored by the Morgridge Family Foundation a few years ago. This website started because the founder saw how he was able to help his cousin regain her perception of self-efficacy in math. He sent her short tutorials on how to understand computation. Although this idea started from a small personal contact, he and now others are offering educational opportunities around the globe to many people.