Brian Housand's Website

Brian Housand's website is a treasure trove of ideas to support classrooms with the latest technology. He understands the gifted mind and how to engage these minds to be more attentive in the classroom. Brian completed his doctorate at the University of Connecticut and is currently collaborating with Joseph Renzulli on a book called SEM: Tech. He's an innovative thinker that is helping gifted education evolve.

During the 2016 CAGT conference, Brian shared a compilation of websites. (The link is below the CAGT16 title.) This collection is an amazing resource for anyone. Teachers can use them to support content from art to video games. As well, these sites support student interests and can be used for independent study in coding, animation, the periodic table of elements, and so forth. If you are curious or creative or both, these sites will keep you entertained and learning.