an interactive workbook for learners of German
A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 & Business German [B1 - C1]
for use on laptops and desktops
Welcome to anyone4german! is an interactive workbook for learners of German. It is an Open Educational Resource which is constantly being expanded and updated.
The activities are structured according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages and were created by Dagmar Fischer, Lecturer in German, at Technological University Dublin.
They go beyond simple multiple-choice and matching exercises and offer you as much support as possible. The activities are often based on authentic materials and are designed to promote an active engagement with the language and to stimulate learners' curiosity.
Cultural information about Germany is - wherever possible - included in the activities and not presented as an add-on. The grammar explanations are geared towards the various levels to avoid cognitive overload.
Since the activities were originally developed for students in Ireland, the instructions and explanations at level A1 are in English, and at the higher levels they are in German.
At the moment, contains 404 activities at level A1 Lower which are suitable for beginners and people with a rudimentary knowledge of German, 220 activities at level A1 Higher for Post-Beginners, 154 activities at level A2 for learners at Intermediate Level (I), 270 activities at level B1 for learners at Intermediate Level (II), 118 activities at levels B2/C1 for advanced learners as well as 319 activities in the area of Business German (level B2 - C1) . The Grammatik-Olympiade, Themen-Olympiade and the Phonetik-Olympiade contain the activities of the various levels sorted according to topics. Finally, And before we go ... lists some of the amusing linguistic blunders of my students.
About 20 per cent of the activities at levels A1, A2 and B1 have an audio component. is for use on desktops and laptops.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.