A1 (Lower) [Beginners]

Level A1 (Lower) is suited for people who have just started learning German or those who have dipped into German in the past, but may have forgotten what they have learnt.

Have you ever played with Lego bricks?

In the section Words, Terms & Phrases you will be introduced to the basic German bricks, i.e. the vocabulary.

Nuts & Bolts of German deals with how the German language works. You will get to know the building instructions for putting the bricks together.

Both sections are organised alphabetically. There is a progression within each subsection, i.e. the first activity in each subsection will be the easiest.

Let's listen carefully contains a number of phonetic activities.

The section Miscellaneous contains a number of activities that don't clearly fall into one of the above sections.

The section Grammar A to Z gives you an overview of the building instructions of the German language. These explanations are geared to the A1 Level. You will find more comprehensive explanations in the higher levels.

The activities which are marked with an asterisk after the word [Audio] are pure aural activities, i.e. you will have to listen to the audio file to solve the tasks. The other activities marked with the word [Audio] allow you to check your answers by listening to the sound file.

If you already have a little bit of German, you may want to dip in and out of the various topics. If you are an absolute beginner, you may wish to follow the suggested path through the activities called “Five at a time”.