
Zusammenstellung aller Aufgaben

nach Themen geordnet [A1 - B1]

1. Alphabet

   1.1 ABC [A1 Lower]

   1.2 Test your vision (I) [A1 Lower]

   1.3 Test your vision (II) [A1 Lower]

   1.4 How do you spell your name? [A1 Lower]

   1.5 The ABC and other abbreviations [A1 Higher] 

2. Intonation

   2.1 Abbreviations [A1 Lower]

   2.2 Dorothea & Jens [A1 Lower]

   2.3 Christian & Sophia [A1 Lower]

   2.4 Who is to blame? [A1 Lower]

   2.5 "!" or "?" [A1 Lower]

   2.6 Auf einmal stand ..... [A2]

3. Kinderreime, Kinderlieder & Gedichte 

   3.1 Meister Jakob [A1 Lower]

   3.2 Wann und wo? [A1 Lower]

   3.3 Counting-out rhymes [A1 Lower]

   3.4 Children, be careful! [A1 Higher]  

   3.5 Kuckuck [A1 Higher] 

   3.6 A slow way to travel [A1 Higher]  

   3.7 Es tanzt .... [A1 Higher] 

   3.8 A mother and her children (I) [A1 Higher]  

   3.9 A mother and her children (II) [A1 Higher] 

   3.10 A mother and her children (III) [A1 Higher] 

   3.11 A song for someone's birthday  [A1 Higher] 

   3.12 Laterne, Laterne [A1 Higher] 

   3.13 Ahoi! [A2]

   3.14 Grün, grün, grün sind .... [A2]

   3.15 Advent, Advent [A2]

   3.16 Christian Morgenstern: Das ästhetische Wiesel [B2]

4. Konsonanten

   4.1."f" versus "w": Cities & towns [A1 Lower]

   4.2 "b" or "p"? [A1 Lower]

5. Vokale & Umlaute & Diphtonge

   5.1 An overview [A1 Lower]

   5.1 "u" or "ü"? [A1 Lower]

   5.2 long "a" or short "a"? [A1 Lower]

   5.3 long "e" or short "e"? [A1 Lower]

   5.4 "a" or "ä"? [A1 Lower]

   5.5 "ei" versus "ie": A travel agency in Potsdam [A1 Lower]

   5.6 "ei" versus "ie": Cities & towns [A1 Lower]

   5.7 "ei" versus "ie": One or the other [A1 Lower]

   5.8 Frau Hagen [A2]

   5.9 Das "a" - "ä" - "a" - Muster [A2]

6. Zungenbrecher

   6.1 Ulm [A1 Lower]

   6.2 Fischers Fritze [A1 Lower]

   6.3 A lot of drops [A1 Lower]

   6.4 Ananas [A2]

   6.5 Kirschen, Kerne, Kinder [A2]

   6.6 Die geschickte Sphinx [B1]

   6.7 Der staunende Student [B1]

   6.8 Wiens Waschweiber [B1]

   6.9 Fleißige Ziegen [B1]

   6.10  Cottbus [B1] 

 7. Gemischte Aufgaben

   7.1  A small difference [A1 Lower]

   7.2 Ein kleiner Unterschied [A2]