Ask Blair!

Ask Blair is an advice column run by a GPHS student under the alias of Blair. Its purpose is to provide advice to students in search of it. Keep in mind that your responses will most likely be in the next issue of The Scroll. Scroll below to see the answers for last issue's questions!


Last year, we launched the advice column Ask Blair! Everything is 100% anonymous, including my own identity. Though I go by Blair for the purpose of the column, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of you know me outside of The Scroll. I’m a student at GPHS, just like all of you. My goal for the column is to reach out to you guys and do what I can to help you during your times of trouble. Don’t be afraid to send in questions for next month’s issue, and I look forward to writing for you guys in the months to come. Scroll down to enter your own questions for me, Blair!

*A Note from Blair: Since I reach such a wide audience and cater to people of so many different lifestyles and beliefs, it is my goal to remain as unbiased as possible when giving advice. It is for that reason that I ask you refrain from asking for my personal opinions on politics and the like, as I don't want that to get in the way of being able to help as many people as possible. Thank you for helping me keep Ask Blair! a safe space for everyone!

*Editor's Note: The Scroll's Ask Blair! Column is to solely provide advice, care, and support to students in need. We want to hear from you, and we understand that some of the topics that will be discussed will be emotional and sometimes distressing, but this advice column is not meant to be used as an alternative to any sort of professional therapy or counseling.

Thank you 💜

What are some of your favorite summer activities? Also, I fixed my friendship thanks to your advice column, thank you!

That’s so awesome to hear!!!! I very rarely hear about the end result of my advice, so I’m really glad I was able to help!!! :)

I spend a lot of time on the river in the summer! My favorite spot is Finley Bend, but my family also sometimes floats down the river on kayaks from farther upstream. If we’re not at the river, we’re probably at Applegate Lake, which is one of our other favorite spots. I also spend a lot of time at the library in the summer, which is nice, because I have a hard time feeling motivated to read for pleasure outside of the summer. The break from school is mostly just a great chance to focus on personal hobbies, which could mean gaming, writing, drawing, etc.

Not advice, but what’s better; Minecraft Bedrock or Java Edition?

I actually just bought Java Edition a few weeks ago! I’ve been playing Bedrock for years, but all my friends are on Java, so I bought it to play with them, which is a pro in my book. I don’t really have much of a preference EXCEPT for one thing: I hate creative building in Java. I simply cannot stand it. For most of my time as a Minecraft player, I’ve preferred massive creative mode-building projects over survival worlds (which has certainly changed since becoming a Java player). In Bedrock, the flying speed and the block placement speed are evenly matched enough that I can place rows of blocks really quickly by just flying. Similarly, when you stop moving, you come to an immediate stop where you’re hovering. In Java, the flying speed is faster than the block placement speed, so when I want to place a row of blocks while flying, I can’t just hold down the button, I have to spam it (which leaves a lot more room for tedious mistakes), and when I stop moving while flying, rather than coming to a complete stop, I come to a gradual stop, which takes several seconds. The only way I’ve found to fix it is to download mods, which I don’t really want to do, so I just have to kinda deal. Building in Java while flying (which is necessary for the taller projects I like to have) is so much longer and more tedious than in Bedrock, and for that reason, I prefer Bedrock for creative mode.

Anyways, that said, I like survival better in Java. I don’t really have a reason, I think I’ve just spent more time on it recently so I’ve grown fond of it. Thank you for reading my Minecraft rant.

What are some tips to pass my license test?

The license test is so much easier than the permit test. If you passed the permit test, then your chances of passing your license test are super high, ESPECIALLY if you took driver’s ed. As long as you've practiced driving enough to know the rules of the road, you've pretty much got it in the bag. That said, if you want to study, here is a link to the Oregon Department of Transportation’s sample questions. The trick is just to remain calm and not panic; I’m sure you’ll do great!

How do I get motivated enough to workout?

I'm not really the person to ask about athletic things, so I asked some members of the Scroll for advice, and here's what I found!

The biggest tip I heard is to have someone to do it with! Having a buddy to hold you accountable can be beneficial to the quality of the workout, but can also be motivational because you'll have someone to talk to or distract you from the initial pain of exercising. Another thing I found is to give yourself small goals, rather than big ones. Instead of making it your goal to lose forty pounds or work out every single day, make it your goal to work out once a week, or twice a week, etc, and work your way up. Make a goal of losing five pounds, then five more, etc. Big goals seem unattainable and are more difficult to motivate ourselves for, but accomplishing a small goal every week or every month can feel good and motivate us more, and it adds up to a bigger goal in the end anyway. Finally, my personal way to motivate myself is to listen to music! I usually play something upbeat and fun to listen to, like old Justin Timberlake or Nelly Furtado, and sing along while I work out.

Of course, confidence is key! Just remember that you're an absolute boss and you can handle whatever is thrown your way! Good luck!