The power of positivity

In Anna's factual article, learn how positivity can change your outlook on life and make it better overall.

The power of positivity

By Anna Walker

Throughout the past year, existence has been trying, which makes it easy to focus on the negative. However, even in a time like now, we can still find the positive, the silver lining (or whatever you want to call it). Even though it may be difficult with all the negativity out there, it is always nice to know there is good in the world.

Believe it or not, positive thinking is not just good for mental health overall, but it also can promote physical well-being. According to John Hopkins Medicine, “ positive people from the general population were 13 percent less likely than their negative counterparts to have a heart attack or other coronary event.” Also, positive thinkers are one-third less likely to have a heart attack. In addition to helping prevent heart problems, positive thinking can also prevent brain injuries and strokes. Additionally, “People who are more positive may be better protected against the inflammatory damage of stress.” Because thinking positively decreases stress, it also decreases the health problems stress causes.

In addition to creating more resistance against cardiovascular and brain injuries, there are many more health benefits. According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking increases life span, lowers rates of depression, lowers levels of distress, creates greater resistance to the common cold, and reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. More health benefits include better psychological and physical well-being, better cardiovascular health, and better coping skills during hardships and times of stress.

If thinking positive is so beneficial, why don't more people do it? Looking on the bright side is not as easy as one may think, but here are some actions you can take to try to look on the bright side more often: identify areas to change, be open to humor, check yourself, follow a healthy lifestyle, and practice positive self-talk. Identify areas of change and find the areas where you focus most of your negative energy. Be open to humor. Let yourself be open to jokes and laughing. Check yourself. Pay attention to when you are being negative. Following a healthy lifestyle, eating healthily and working out brings up moods and makes people happier. Practice positive self-talk, positive affirmations and never say something you would not say to someone else. According to the Mayo Clinic, following these suggestions will help you become more positive. So remember: being positive can make your life so much better and healthier.