PE - Kinder


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Remember that it is possible to stay active, no matter the season!

The approach of Physical Education at BRES is to provide a safe environment for students to take risks. Physical Education at the elementary level is about learning skills and movements that are age and level appropriate for each student. The students will be encouraged to FAIL (First Attempt In Learning) throughout the year and how to improve. 

Please Remember that ALL parts of the PROVE IT section need to be completed for your quarter grade.

Extra Enrichment activity will be posted as a weekly challenge. Click above for more information!

Mr. Wells is available on

Gold - 9:00-9:40

Silver - 8:15-8:55

Bronze - 9:45-10:25 

Unit 5 - Cycle 6 - Balancing Portfolio

Developing Balance Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - Think about all of the different Balances

Instructions for setting up your Balance Portfolio and turning it in.

Practice It! - try to all of the different balances

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the content. These activities are for you to get better at the skills

Click on picture to see a bunch of different ones to try!

 Prove It - Create your own Balance Portfolio

You can decide how you are going to share you best balancing act. 

(Remember to Click on the Icon and All Tasks must be completed to earn grade)

Click on Slides to Make Copy and fill out your own copy

Google Form (Have SHARE Link for Slides ready)

Unit 5 - Cycle 5 - Inverted Balancing

Developing Balance Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What skills are needed to invert balance?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the skills

Practice It! - try to invert balance?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the content. These activities are for you to get better at the skills

 Prove It - Share your Best Inverted Balance! (post 5 different ones)

You can decide how you are going to share you best balancing act. 

(Remember to Click on the Icon and All Tasks must be completed to earn grade)


Google Form

Unit 5 - Cycle 4 - Group Balancing

Developing Balance Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What skills are needed to group balance?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the skills

Practice It! - try to group balance?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the content. These activities are for you to get better at the skills

 Prove It - Share your Best Group Balance! (post 5 different ones)

You can decide how you are going to share you best balancing act. 

(Remember to Click on the Icon and All Tasks must be completed to earn grade)


Google Form

Unit 5 - Cycle 3 - Counter and Partner Balancing

Developing Balance Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What skills are needed to counter and partner balance?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the skills

Practice It! - How to counter and partner balance?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the content. These activities are for you to get better at the skills

Partner Balance Video Challenges

Click on picture to see a bunch of different ones to try!

Prove It - Share your Best Counter or Partner Balance!

You can decide how you are going to share you best balancing act. 

(Remember to Click on the Icon and All Tasks must be completed to earn grade)


Google Form

Unit 5 - Cycle 2 - Body Balancing

Developing Balance Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What skills are needed to balance on different body parts?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the skills

Practice It! - How to Balance on different body parts?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the content. These activities are for you to get better at the skills

Prove It - Share your Best Body Balance!

You can decide how you are going to share you best balancing act. 

(Remember to Click on the Icon and All Tasks must be completed to earn grade)


Google Form

Unit 5 - Cycle 1 - Balancing objects

Developing Balance Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What skills are needed to balance an object?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the skills

Cues for Balancing

Practice It! - How to Balance an object?

Engage in the activities to learn, review, and reinforce the content. These activities are for you to get better at the skills

Try to Balance an Object (this is a pole with dough on the top)



Prove It - Share your Best Balance!

You can decide how you are going to share you best balancing act. (Remember to Click on the Icon)


Google Form

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