Second Grade


If you are signed up to be in the Talent Show, submit your recording to me by May 21st at  

Make sure you are dressed and ready for the final recording!  A pre-recorded and final show will be sent out to everyone on the last day of school, May 26th. 

assignments are due this thursday, may 20!




past assignments

Lesson #31

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music. I can learn about instruments from other countries.

 I can read rhythm patterns.

Listen and sing along to this song called King's Land.  You will need to know the rhythms for the next activity below!

Do you remember what a round is?  See if you can sing along when parts come in at different times!

Learn about the Koto here!

Complete the King's Land worksheet.  Drag the rhythms to match the rhythms of the song.  Post in Padlet!

Post your completed google slide in Padlet!  Or, post three facts about the Koto instrument you learned today.

Lesson #30

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music, I can dance to a song from Mexico,  and I can use instruments at home to try different rhythms.

Practice rhythm patterns and play them with your instruments.

You can try the rhythm patterns given, or write your own!

Did you try the dance?  Did you find an instrument to play with and use the rhythm patterns?  

Post a picture of the instruments or found items you used, a video of yourself trying the Los Machetes dance, or using your instrument to play the rhythms! 

Post in Padlet below!

Lesson #29

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music. I can read and perform rhythms and melodies. I can respond to music through movement.

Sing the hello song!

Warm up with the poison rhythm!

Try keeping a steady beat with Johnny Works With One Hammer!

Now that you have kept a steady beat, try the rhythms with the lyrics!

Lesson #28

OBJECTIVE:I can sing and move to music, I can perform and create rhythm and melody patterns, and I can learn a song from another culture, and tell how it is used in the culture.

Warm up with the poison rhythm game!

Warm up with some body percussion.

Read about the Salish people.

Listen to the song.  Then try to sing along! After each time, the children would stop and have someone guess which color of stick they were holding.  

Watch the video.  How do you play the Lahal game?

Listen to this song called Butterfly by Grieg.  

- can you move your finger like a butterfly?

- can you hear and move the way the music goes higher and lower?

 Take a video of yourself trying the games from the videos.  Which one do you like best?  How are they similar or different?  What did you learn about the Salish or Lahal cultures?

Lesson #27

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music, I can read and perform rhythms and melodies, and I can create a sound poem.

Warm up with Hot Cross Buns!

Try keeping a beat with this music by Mozart!

Meet Mozart!

Read the Words to the song, "Recycle."

Think about what the song means.

What is the song about?

What kinds of things do you recycle?

- review the song

- can you create actions to go with the song?

Create a poem for Earth Day.

Then, choose instruments or found sounds to accompany the poem.

 Take a video of your Earth Day poem.  Record yourself saying it and using things around the house to play the pattern! Speak and play at the same time for an extra challenge!

Lesson #26

I can sing and move to music, I can read and perform loud and quiet, and I can read and perform rhythm and melody patterns.

Clap, tap, or play an instrument you may have on the "ta" and "ti ti".

Shhh on the quarter rests!

Practice loud and soft with this video!

Can you sing along?

Listen to the story about George Handel.  He was a famous composer in the Baroque period of music history.

What did you learn about Handel?

Draw a picture or record a video!

Earth Day is coming up!  Let's learn how to help reduce our waste by listening to this song!

Can you draw a picture about what you learned?

How did you practice music today?  

Post a link, picture, or video in Padlet!

Lesson #25

I can sing solfa notes mi-re-do. I can use quiet, loud and crescendo.I can sing and move to the beat.

Try this for a challenge! Watch the video and sing along.

Try these rhythms!

Sing along to Hot Cross Buns!

Try the hand signs!

After completing the worksheet, try singing or playing your rhythms!

Click on the google slide link to practice your rhythms!  Post a link or a picture in Padlet!