Artist Spotlight!

Kaitlin Belcher

We have a new artist to spotlight! Kaitlen Belcher has made something wonderful! She and her mom made a "Glass Frog" out of HOT GLUE!
Gloria as the frog is named was made in two parts, the body was bade in a mold, and then mounted to the legs which were made separately.

Micah Sheerin

So, the artist spotlight had been put on hold for a while as we moved to E-Learning. Micha Sheerin's artwork stood out ages ago, and we were JUST about to put his work up when school went online. 

Well, after TOO long a wait, I present to you "Starry Night" an homage to Vincent Van Gogh, by Micha Sheerin. He's in 3rd grade in Ms. Sama's class. 

Oil Pastel on black construction paper. 6x12