

Extra Enrichment is posted on the Extra Enrichment Page. Click on the Enrichment image!

APril 19-30

Revisiting color

This is a fun activity any time! Click on your grade level to get started!

March 1-5

Principles of design

Lets review the principles of design! We've hit a LOT of them with a lot of interruptions. But if you've stuck with it and followed along, you've hit each of the principles of design!

SNOW DAY Feb 25 UPDATE: If you are an IN building student, and you have already started the project in my classroom, you do NOT need to do it today. Just watch the videos and fill out the google form.

Feb 22-26


We've got two elements of design left!
This week we are working on unity!
Click on your grade level icon to get started!

Feb 17-19


Hitting on one of the last principles of design, letd create some RHYTHM! Click on your grade level to get started.

February 8-12


Continuing with the last few principles of design, this week we are hitting Movement!
Click on your grade level below to get started.

Feb 1-5

I miss you guys

Hey everyone, I'm sorry to be out this week. Please note that both IN building students and ONLINE students are ALL accessing the eLearning site for art lessons this week.

Please navigate to your grade level page to continue.

Jan 25-29 (Jan 26 e-learning day)


The Sweedish concept of living closer to nature! GO outside and create art! Make snow angels, build a snow man! Dress warm, have fun and enjoy this rare day! Then when you are ready, you can come work online. 

Here's an article on friluftsliv.

Jan 19-22 

Welcome back in person/ online! 

For those of you who are ONLY online students, new content will be up Mondays, and you will have all week to complete the task.

For those of you who are in person learning, Until further notice, you will not be held accountable for online content. 

Click on your grade level to get started for this week!

January 11-15 2021


Greetings! I was so happy to see and hear from those of you who checked in with me last week! It sounds like just about everybody had a pretty good break. Myself included! I spent my break drawing cats for Zoe. So I made a video for you guys on how to do it! (see the Extra Explore Art page) 

Illustration is a HUGE part of the art world! And we are barely even scratching the surface of it this week. We usually find illustrations in books, but they are everywhere! advertisements, magazines, comic books to name a few. This week we are going to create our own illustrations. I've selected a few poems and I want to see what you guys can create from them. Read the poem, read the poem again, think about what kind of visuals might go with this poem (it's up to YOU, YOU are the artist!) grab a piece of paper and pencil, and ...

Click on your grade level to get started 

January 7 2021

Back from break!

Hey guys! We have ONE day of classes this week. Come see me live and say hi! Click on your grade level, and then the live chat link. Also, I'll be live for our 2pm drawing class! (same link)

Make up week

Greetings all! I hope everyone is ready for a great holiday break! There are no new assignments for art this week. HOWEVER, if you have not finished all of this quarter's projects, now is the time to do them! Click on your grade level below and make sure that you have filled out all of the google forms from past assignments. (Not all Padlets are active, anything older than 3 weeks has been archived, so don't worry about that part)Also! Check out the Artist Spotlight, and the new video Mrs. Mapson, Zoe and I made. Making ornaments. (Green ENRICHMENT link above!)

Live chats

I'll be online LIVE a LOT more this week. For your regularly scheduled class, (based off of the schedule above, click Gold, Silver, or Bronze to see that days schedule) I'll be online for about 10-15 minutes just to check in and get you guys started if you want. It's NOT mandatory! 

I'll also be LIVE on Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm for a quick art lesson. Bring paper and pencil. 

Patterns continued

Let's take what we learned last week with our patterns and repetition and put that knowledge into a little cooler project. 

an extra fun thing

Hey! So Ms. Knighten needs some drawings to display during the holiday music performance! Grab some paper, a pencil and something to color with, and watch these videos! Post your work on this weeks Padlet!


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break! We are hard at work back here at BRES, and I thought we'd continue with our Principles of Design! This week we are going to go with Pattern.

Watch this quick video for an over view on all of the elements of design!

Click on your grade level icon to get started!

Mr. Mapson

November 16-20


Alright! Let's continue these principles of design! We've all been confused at one point or another when we saw something that didn't quite look right. maybe it was a drawing, or a photograph, or even a character in a book because something wasn't quite the right size. 

Proportion is the feeling of unity created when all parts (sizes, amounts, or number) relate well with each other. When drawing the human figure, proportion can refer to the size of the head compared to the rest of the body.

Click on your grade level below to get to your project and get started!

November 9-13

Housekeeping: Hi everyone, Mr. Mapson here, I've been really under the weather for the last week or so with a nasty cold. (I did get tested for COVID with negative results) I appreciate everyones patience if you've tried to get ahold of me and I have not gotten back to you.
Last week there were some glitches with the links leading to the wrong google form, and the video being restricted. Those issues are taken care of, and if you didn't get those done last week, they can be done at any time now. 


Ah, the Yin and the Yang, one cannot have one without the other, for together they complete the circle. 

This week we will explore the principal of design known as Balance. 

Live art chats this week: Tuesday and Thursday at 2:pm 

November 2-6

Fall celebrations!

Hey all, sorry for the late posting this week (VERY late, I know) I wanted to get something up that can be for both this week and next week. Fall is my FAVORITE time of year! A true season of change. For those of you who don't know, I lived on the tropical island of Guam for 14 years, and while it was just as beautiful and tropical as you can imagine, it was ALWAYS the same. Always bright and sunny. Which is great, but it doesn't help when Fall is your favorite. Click on your grade level below and check out the holiday stuff we have going on.(To the left is a painting of mine. "Remembering Fall" was sold shortly after it was finished and is in the private collection of Mr. And Mrs. Holmes of Santa Rita Guam)

IT's Origami week here!

We're starting the new Quarter off easy! Grab some paper and click your grade level to get started!

Ending the Quarter

Congratulations! We're nearing the end of first quarter for the school year! Everyone's done such a great job so far! Let's take a breath and review what we've done online this year so far. We've covered the 7 basic elements of art! 

Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Value, Space, and Form. 

We've only just touched the surface of the most important parts of learning how an artist's skills are put into practice. We'll be coming back to these elements OFTEN, and within every other art project you do from now on. For instance, 5th graders project they are working on right now deals with Positive and Negative space. 

Two things to do this week...


The last element of art we are touching on is Form. This is probably the hardest to master, or even understand as a new artist. Click your grade level links below to get started.


Space is the area that an artwork uses. A sculpture uses space in 3 dimensions, a painting uses space on the canvas. Space is a little tricky to understand at first, and using it gets better the more you practice.
Click on your grade level icon below and get started!


The next of the big five elements of art (there are 7) that we're going over online is Value. Click your grade level page and get started! This one is an easy one, but it's SUPER important!


Texture is the way something feels. (or looks like it feels) Lets grab our shapes drawings and get started! Click your grade level below to get started!


This lesson is on Shapes! There's a lot more to shape than you thought, I'm sure. Click on your grade level to get started!


Aug 26-28

This time around we are adding some color! Grab the line drawing you just did, and click your grade level to get started on Color!

Also! Below your grade level icons, check the Enrichment link when you have a chance for more!


This project, we're kicking off our Elements of Art! The five big ones being Line, Shape, Color, Texture and Value. Let's start with Lines! Check your grade level page and get started!

Welcome back! 

Check out the video to the left, for a quick hello.Take a look around the new layout for online learning. Below, you can click on your grade level and that will take you to your weekly art lesson. 


HEY! Great news!!! As a replacement for the cancelled Air Academy Federal Credit Union Art Show, many art teachers in the district decided to go online! Check out the artwork HERE 

Make someone smile with your art week!

Hi everyone! This weeks mission, is to create a piece of artwork for someone else. Someone who you think needs a laugh, a thank you, a giggle, a hug, etc. It could be a family member, someone in your neighborhood, delivery drivers, even your teachers!
Watch the video to the left about using words IN your artwork and what you can do to send a message. Then create your work using whatever you have handy, sidewalk chalk, pen or pencil, magazine cutouts, whatever!

Here are a couple ideas... 

Cut out cute/ funny pictures from a magazine, or draw them yourself, and hide them around where your parents might find them and have a laugh. Maybe hide one of those pictures in the mailbox for the mailman! 

Make a sidewalk chalk walkway to your front door for the delivery people.

Have your lego people hold up a thank you note for your teacher. Stuffed animals are also great at this task!

Draw your brother or sister a picture to say thank you for helping with something. 

When you are finished, snap a pic, and submit the google form HERE 

We have a new page in the Art drop down menu! Check out the Artist Spotlight! Micha Sheerin's work deserves some kudos! 

Disney week!

Ok guys! This is one of my favorite things to do, CARTOONING! I've been a cartoonest since I was in elementary school. To the right is a video showing how to draw Mickey Mouse. Many of you may recognize this, as we have done Mickey in class. (you don't need to do Mickey, it's just a cool video refresher of what we've already done.) Check out your grade level page to see what the Disney Parks youtube channel has to offer! Then fill out the google form, upload your work to Padlet, and don't forget to go back and SUBMIT your google form! 

How has life changed for you?

This week, lets do some reflecting on the last few weeks.

Life has changed a lot for most of us. Whether it's good or bad, we have a very different way of living than we did before spring break.
Lets take some time and create a piece of work based on our lives.
Look at your grade level page for some more specific information.

Recreation week

This week, we will be looking at artworks from the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City.
Your mission, is to find a piece of artwork in the collection, and re create it with things around your house! Go check your grade level page and get more specific instructions...

Andy GOldsworthy Week!

Art in Nature

Take a look around you outside, and see what you can make a design with! Flowers are budding, but snow is still falling. See what you can come up with! There are some examples below.
The google forms link is further below, and check out the gallery pages for this weeks work! 

Who IS Andy GOldsworthy?

Andy GOldsworthy

Andy GOldsworthy

Andy GOldsworthy

Mrs. Mapson

Mrs. Mapson

Mr. Mapson

Here is this weeks Google Doc... 

IT's Origami week here!

I know you all missed my smiling face, so I made a video for you guys. 

Pick your grade to see what you need to do of Art Education today!

FYI, the art room is running VERY low on supplies and with major budget cuts coming for next year, we will be struggling for the foreseeable future, if your family would like to contribute, below is a link to an Amazon wishlist for the art classroom. Many thanks! Mr. Mapson

Amazon Wishlist (yes, the link works now! haha)