

Have a question or need help?

Remember that it is possible to stay active, no matter the season!

The approach of Physical Education at BRES is to provide a safe environment for students to take risks. Physical Education at the elementary level is about learning skills and movements that are age and level appropriate for each student. The students will be encouraged to FAIL (First Attempt In Learning) throughout the year and how to improve. 

Please Remember that ALL parts of the PROVE IT section need to be completed for your quarter grade.

Extra Enrichment activity will be posted as a weekly challenge. Click above for more information!

Mr. Wells is available on

Gold - 9:00-9:40

Silver - 8:15-8:55

Bronze - 9:45-10:25 

End of Year - Summer Plans

Share your summer plans on Padlet. Think about how you are going to be active for the summer!

Unit 8 - Cycle 4 - Competition REviewed

reviewing what competition is

Prove It! - What do you know about competition

Play the Quizizz and answer the Google Form

Quizizz Challenge

Google Form

Unit 8 - Cycle 3 - Small Sided Competition REMIXED

Attempt other small sided competition challenges

Learn It! - What are different types of Small Sided Challenges?

Develop understanding of the differences in Small Sided Competition

Practice It! - Discover what others view Small Sided Challenges as

Try 4 different Small Sided Competition challenges

Padlet - Pick 4 Activities to Try!

Prove It! - How did other challenges go?

Post on the Padlet and answer the Google Form

Padlet - Small Sided REMIXED

Google Form

Unit 8 - Cycle 2 - Small sided Competition

Developing Understanding of 1v1 and 2v2 Competition

Learn It! - What is Small Sided Competition in Physical Education?

Develop understanding of Small Sided Competition

Practice It! - Discover what you think Small Sided Competition means and how it looks

Come up with different Small Sided Competition challenges

Prove It! - What is Small Sided Competition?

Post on the Padlet and answer the Google Form

Padlet - Small Sided Competition

Google Form

Unit 8 - Cycle 1 - COmpetition in PE

Developing Understanding of Competition

Learn It! - What is Competition in Physical Education?

Develop understanding of competition

Practice It! - Discover what you think Competition means and how it looks

Try the Physed Sweep Challenge against someone else in your family!

Prove It! - What do you gain from Competition?

Post on the Padlet and answer the Google Form

Padlet - Reasons for Competition

Google Form

Unit 7 - Cycle 4 - COoperation in Sports and ACtivities

Learn It! - How are cooperation and teamwork similar?

Develop understanding of cooperation and teamwork.

Practice It! - Try different types of partner cooperation skills

Think about the different sports and activities that you participate in and how cooperation is important. What does teamwork and cooperation look like in those sports and activities? Share examples in the Padlet and on the Google Form.

Prove It! - In Sports and Activities what does Cooperation look like?

Post on the Padlet and answer the Google Form

Padlet - In Sports and Activities

Google Form

Unit 7 - Cycle 3 - SMALL Group Cooperation

Developing Cooperation Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What does cooperation mean?

Develop understanding of cooperation.

Practice It! - Try different types of partner cooperation skills

Pick one to do!

Prove It! - Small Group Cooperation Challenge Results

You need to do the Padlet with Pictures or the Google Slide with Pictures, the choice is yours!

Padlet - Video Scavenger Hunt

Google Slides

Google Form

Unit 7 - Cycle 2 - Partner Cooperation

Developing Cooperation Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What does cooperation mean?

Develop understanding of cooperation.

Practice It! - Try different types of partner cooperation skills

See what cooperation looks like.

Prove It! - Partner Cooperation Challenge Results

Show how you did!

Padlet - Partner Cooperation

Google Form

Unit 7 - Cycle 1 - Cooperation

Developing Cooperation Skills and Understanding

Learn It! - What does cooperation mean?

Develop understanding of cooperation.

Talk with you family about what it means to cooperate and how it is and important skill to learn.

Practice It! - Try different types of cooperation skills

See what cooperation looks like.

Click on the picture to visit a list of different Cooperation activities and skills that you can try with your family at home!

Prove It! - Spring Break and Understanding Cooperation

What can you already do and what do you know?

Padlet - Skill Combos

Google Form