

If you are signed up to be in the Talent Show, submit your recording to me by May 21st at  

Make sure you are dressed and ready for the final recording!  A pre-recorded and final show will be sent out to everyone on the last day of school, May 26th. 

assignments are due this thursday, may 20!




past assignments

Lesson #31

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music. I can identify unpitched instruments.

Take a shake break!

Sing Old MacDonald had a farm!  

Can you make the animal noises too?

Here's another song from the farm. Sing along and follow the movements!

Non-Pitched Percussion

Do you recognize any of these instruments? 

 Can you name these below? 

Wood block

Sand Blocks


Rhythm Sticks

Listen to this song called Aviary by Camille Saint Saens.  Is the music in aviary fast or slow?

The instruments sound like birds don't they?  

Do you have a scarf, ribbon, a stretchy band or a parachute to move to the highs and lows of the melody? Play the song again and move to the melody!

Did you sing along to Old MacDonald?  Did you try the scarf with the Aviary song?  Can you name the non-pitched percussion instruments?  

Pick one, two, or all three to "prove it" and post a video in Padlet!

Click here to show your work!

Lesson #30

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music, I can dance to a song from Mexico,  and I can use instruments at home to try different rhythms.

Practice rhythm patterns and play them with your instruments.

You can try the rhythm patterns given, or write your own!

Did you try the dance?  Did you find an instrument to play with and use the rhythm patterns?  

Post a picture of the instruments or found items you used, a video of yourself trying the Los Machetes dance, or using your instrument to play the rhythms! 

Post in Padlet below!

Lesson #29

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and dramatize a song. I can show how notes go high and low with so and mi.

If you have enough people at your house, try singing/saying and acting out the song.

Choose a child to be the grandma that is sick in bed. The child lays down on the floor pretending to be sick. The other children/parents gather around the grandma and sing the song to them, substituting the child’s name for “Grandma Moses.” For example, “Matthew, Matthew sick in bed.”

Listen to this song about raindrops.  What if all of the raindrops were candy?

Listen and sing along!  

Try singing the solfa for this song.  So is the higher notes, and mi is the lower.

Click this google slide icon to complete the Rain, Rain, Go Away worksheet.

Post a picture or link to your completed worksheet in Padlet!

Click here!

Lesson #28

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music, I can speak word rhythm patterns, and I can add songs and sound effects to a story,

Listen and sing along!  

When the song says "rain", what sound could you make to mimic the rain?  Try what you did in the poem above whenever you hear the word, "rain".

Listen to this song about raindrops.  What if all of the raindrops were candy?

Warm up your mind and body with this fun song about opposites!

This week we will be learning some rain songs. The first rain song is "Ame Ame" from Japan.

Play sticks (or clap) along with the song!


Raining, raining, how it’s raining rain a little more

Mother’s bringing my umbrella, it can rain and pour.

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter, drip, drip, drop.

Watch and Listen to the Song, "Rain Rain."

Watch and point to notes as they go higher and lower.

Play it again and sing along.

Pitter Patter Poem

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.

Says the falling rain.

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.

On the window pain.

Learn the Pitter Patter Poem

prove it!

How did you practice?  

Did you sing along to one of the songs?  Did you use a sound at home for the word "rain" in the Rain, Rain, Go Away song or Pitter Patter Poem?  

Post a picture or video in Padlet!

Lesson #27

OBJECTIVE: I can sing and move to music • I can perform and create with word rhythms • I can dramatize a song

Body percussion!

Use clap, stomp, shhh, snap, or pat to keep a steady beat!

Follow along to this video!

Move and sing to the Bunny Hokey Pokey!

Watch and echo

Try these vegetable rhythms, then make up your own!

Say and clap the words. You could perform the rhythms with body percussion (clap, pat, stomp), instruments, or found sounds. (Pencil, box, etc.)

What vegetable pattern did you come up with?Post a picture or video in Padlet!

Lesson #26

I can sing and move to music, I can point to the beat and clap rhythms, and I can show how notes go higher and lower.

Clap along, move, and sing to these songs!

Can you tap the beat?

See the google doc! Point to the snails and drag the boxes to match ta and ti ti to the correct snails!

Take a picture of the Snail activity and post in Padlet or copy the link and paste it into padlet.

Lesson #25

I can sing and move to music, create read and play rhythm patterns, create movement to music, and play instruments with music.

Watch and listen to the lyrics movie for the song. 

Watch and listen again. Keep the beat while you listen to the music. 

Listen one more time and show how the sounds move high and low with your hands.

Listen to this song.  Point to the hearts to keep the beat as you go!

Sleeping Bunnies

Move to this fun song about bunnies!

Make your own shakers by filling small containers with rice, pasta or legos. Use this song to help shake to the beat! 

Show how you practiced today.  Take a picture or video doing one of the activities and post in padlet.