Return to Campus Plan


DepEd has started its pilot testing of limited face-to-face classes in some schools situated in areas with low cases of contraction of the virus. With the improving status of the containment of the COVID 19 in the country and the decreasing COVID 19 positivity rate and ADAR in the NCR (, NCR DepEd has extended the invitation to both public and private schools in the capital region to participate in expansion of the pilot testing of limited face-to-face classes (DepEd Memo no 71, s. 2021). On this development, DepEd-Makati convened both public and private schools within their jurisdiction in a conference to promote this program. Some private schools, including CSA Makati, have been requested to participate in this program.

CSA-Makati, seeing this invitation of DepEd as an opportunity to test run its Return-to-Campus Plan (RCP) at an earlier date, confirmed its intention to be included in the program. In line with this new development in DepEd-Makati’s direction, CSA-Makati, through its designated Return-to-Campus Task Force (RCTF), has revisited its RCP to formulate a more detailed plan targeting the essential components as required by DepEd. It is the hope of the RCTF, through its plan management system, that CSA will be able to prepare and install the necessary setup prior to the opening of this pilot testing of limited face-to-face classes in its campus.


Colegio San Agustin Makati, a Catholic, Filipino, Augustinian, co-educational, and service-oriented school offering basic education and run by the Order of St. Augustine(OSA), is committed to provide quality Augustinian education to its clientele even during this time of pandemic. Its learning continuity plan gives high regard to the established standards for the assurance of the safety and health of its stakeholders and the maintenance of a safe and secure campus as it prepares for the resumption of in-person classes.

Part of the school’s learning continuity plan is its compliance with DOLE and DTI Advisories (Workplace rules set to cut the spread of Covid-19) and

DepEd Order no. 14, s. 2020, DepEd Memo no 71, s. 2021 and other government directives thereof. On this note, the CSA Return-to-Campus Plan for the Pilot Testing of Limited Face-to-Face Classes has been developed. The plan includes, but is not limited to, programs and provisions that the school will implement during its participation in the pilot testing of limited face-to-face classes which is an opportunity to gather data for the gradual transitioning of learning from virtual to in-person classes. It also intends to inform the stakeholders of their role and of the school’s plan of actions to deliver the most effective and appropriate teaching and learning setup while dealing with the pandemic.

Return-to-Campus Framework

The framework of CSA’s participation in the pilot testing of limited face-to-face classes follows the DepEd’s framework but with the integration of the SVMTC as shown.

The framework shows the school’s integration of its SVMTCV as the guiding light in its compliance with the government requirements on implementation of the pilot testing of limited-face-to-face classes. As CSA participates in the program, a consideration of risk management strategies that prioritize the health and safety of all stakeholders, projections on the relevance and readiness of the learning spaces, and the integration of the school culture in the implementation are taken into account. Plan management and system of implementation that are aligned with the school culture and practices are defined to target all the possible concerns of the stakeholders and the requirements of DepEd. Specific plans of action in relation to mobility and preparation are identified per essential component.


In line with the goal of the Return-to-Campus Plan, which is to establish a road map for the school’s courses of action in addressing the essential components of resuming in-person classes in the new normal, the participation of CSA in the pilot testing of limited face-to-face classes will serve as an opportunity to:

1. Test run the Return to Campus Plan of the school using actual scenarios;

2. Gather baseline data that can be used to improve the Return to Campus Plan especially on the protective and preventive measures, hygiene practices and safety procedures, classroom setups and programs, and system supports;

3. Establish policies, guidelines and procedures intended to minimize the stakeholders’ exposure and anxiety about the possibility of contracting the virus when in-person classes resume; and,

4. Continue assessing the effectiveness of the school’s continuity plan especially on safe operations, teaching and learning, and well-being and protection of the stakeholders.