Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Pilot Implementation of Limited Face-to-Face Classes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Why are we having Face-to-Face Classes in January 2022?

The Face-to-Face or In-person classes that we will implement in January 2022 is a pilot test or a preliminary small-scale study within the larger pilot implementation program of the Department of Education (DepEd) to guide the decision for the eventual school reopening for in-person learning next academic year. CSA Makati was nominated by DepEd to participate in the expanded pilot in Metro Manila.

Do note that decisions about return to campus for face-to-face learning are anchored on the alert level status of the region and the directives of DepEd and the Local Government Unit (LGU). The expanded pilot where CSA will be included is scheduled to start in January 2022 up to March 2022.

2) Does this mean CSA is going back to Face to Face Learning Modality by next Academic Year?

The alert level status of Metro Manila and the directives from government instrumentalities such as the IATF, DepEd, DOH, and the LGU will inform the decision of the school with regards to holding of face-to-face classes for the next academic year. Be assured, though, that CSA will retain the Virtual Academy (online remote learning) as one of the learning modalities for AY 2022- 2023, unless otherwise advised by DepEd.

3) Who can take part in the pilot testing program of CSA?

Not everyone can participate in the pilot implementation. DepEd only allowed this to be done in K-3 and Senior High School (SHS) in select schools.

For CSA, DepEd recommended that we pilot SHS. The survey conducted by the CSA PTA informed the choice of the grade level. The survey data showed higher willingness to participate in face-to-face classes among Grade 12 parent respondents. The school also considers this best because higher-grade learners will be easier to manage in terms of compliance with basic health and safety protocols.

Only two (2) classes were nominated to participate. For each class, there can only be a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of 15 participating students. These students should have passed the following eligibility requirements: (a) volunteered with parent's consent, (b) fully vaccinated, (c) with available private transport, and (d) without existing co-morbidities and willing to undergo vaccination records screening.

4) Is CSA prepared for this limited pilot implementation?

Yes. CSA Makati has been preparing for a return to campus since September 2021. We have a Return-to-Campus Task Force (RCTF) that actively designed the return-to-campus plan while in constant consultation with stakeholders, especially the representatives from the PTA. The goal is to create a plan that employs a whole school and graduated approaches with a clear-eyed projection that considers a risk management strategy prioritizing the health and safety of all stakeholders and the relevance and readiness of the learning spaces regardless of the scenario. We saw this as providential because the school has already gotten underway with preparations when the nomination to pilot was received from DepEd. As of writing, the school is wrapping up preparations for the DepEd site inspection and the initial simulation activity come December 2021.

All participating stakeholders will be given a briefing prior to the commencement of the program. Teachers and staff shall also undergo training and participate in simulations. All the physical plant/infrastructure and technical/equipment requirements are expected to be in place before the Christmas break 2021.

5) What safety precautions, measures and protocols will the school implement to ensure the safety and well-being of the participating students, teachers, and staff?

Studies abroad have reiterated that there is no absolute guarantee of preventing infection during return to campus. Nevertheless, CSA will institute measures to mitigate the possibility of infection and its spread during the pilot testing.

Physical measures such as well-ventilated classrooms, compliant classroom structure, conspicuous signages and markings, sufficient sanitation areas, and the like have been provided.

The Health Services Department have also drawn up the health and safety protocols based on IATF and DepEd-DOH regulations. Minimum health standards and practices such as temperature screening, wearing of face masks (and face shields if mandated), physical/social distancing, and handwashing/sanitizing will also be part of the daily routine in school. Student mobility will also be restricted to maintain the integrity of the class bubble. Activities that require too much social interaction and gathering will not be allowed. Participating teachers and staff will also be either housed inside the campus, or will be provided with a shuttle service by the school on top of being subjected to regular COVID testing.

6) What will classes look like during the pilot implementation?

Face-to-face classes shall be conducted daily every other week. Class days will only last for 4.5 hours, starting at 8:00 AM for the first period and 12:30 PM for dismissal. There will be a short break after the second period. All subjects of the pilot classes in the afternoon shall be asynchronous.

The class program for the pilot classes is modified to give priority to subjects that require more in-person learning such as the Science, Mathematics, Languages, and other Specialized subjects.

On days that the pilot classes are not in school, they will be observing the existing Virtual Academy class schedule.

7) Will other school services like library, counseling, cafeteria, etc. be made available onsite during the pilot testing?

For everyone's safety, the school deemed it wise to not offer these services onsite yet. We encourage the participating students to avail of the library and counseling services online as has been the case since 2020, though a school counselor will still be onsite. As for school meals, students will be required to bring their own food and water. Students will be allowed to eat inside the classroom during the short break.

8) What will happen if the alert level status of Metro Manila heightens?

The health and safety of our students and employees will always be the main priority. In case the face-to-face classes will be temporarily suspended, then sessions will revert to remote learning following the same schedule. We will proceed with the resumption of the pilot implementation upon the LGU's and DepEd's advise.

9) What if my child exhibits flu-like symptoms?

Students and staff exhibiting any one of the following symptoms should not report to campus: (a) fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, (b) shortness of breath, (c) loss of sense of taste or smell, (d) dry cough, ( e ) runny nose, or (f) sore throat.

If these are detected onsite, the school's health services team shall observe a protocol to confirm and isolate, if needed. The parents/guardians will also be notified immediately.

10) What measures will the school take if someone exhibits symptoms or tests positive for COVID in school?

  • If a suspect, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 case is detected in school, we will implement strategies similar to the suggested protocol by Philippine Academy of Physicians in School Health, Inc. ( ), which include:

  • Contact tracing (close contacts: stayed in a closed area within a distance of 6 feet and below or had a close in-person conversation in more than 15 minutes with the confirmed COVID 19 case)

  • Close coordination and communication with LGU contact tracing team

  • Possible granular or school lockdown depending on the extent of the contact tracing result, and the recommendation of LGU contact tracing team and school’s RCTF

  • Information to the family of the learner by the Health Services

  • Isolation/quarantine advice and monitoring

  • Disinfection and enhanced cleaning

  • Strict implementation of the protocol of returning to school/work only upon clearance from medical authorities

  • Screening of returning personnel and learners after isolation and quarantine

  • Implementation of the Return to school/work policies as stated in Section III.7 (Health and Safety Guidelines: Contact Tracing, Isolation and Quarantine Procedures)

  • Assistance from the Health Services Department (Refer to the Appendix 1 for the specific steps set by the Health Services Department in addressing the health concerns)

11) Will I be able to pull out my child from the pilot testing program if I change my mind midway or I feel that his/her health is compromised?

Yes. In as much as we would like to see the participants complete the pilot testing cycle, we will understand your decision to withdraw from the program. Consent may be withdrawn any time by the parent. We believe that more

than anyone else, you know what is best for your own child. Parents need only to write a letter of withdrawal to Mrs. Dorothy Trinidad (see directory below), stating the reason for such a request.

12) What are we expecting after the limited face-to-face pilot implementation?

DepEd will use the data gathered from the national implementation of the program to make informed decisions related to the possibility of reopening schools for Academic Year 2022-2023 especially if the health situation becomes manageable.

As for the participating CSA students and their classes, they will go back to full remote learning modality observing the same class schedule.

13) How can we get in touch with the school if we have other concerns regarding our limited face to face pilot implementation?

You may address your concern to the appropriate office listed below:


Student Formation, Administrative Affairs, and Home School Partnership

Mrs. Dorothy R. Trinidad

High School Assistant Principal for Administration


Mr. Ringo Blanca

High School Assistant Principal for Academics

Return to Campus Plan (RCP)

Mr. Jureto Trinidad

Chairperson, Return to Campus Task Force (RCTF) and Coordinator, Campus Discipline, Safety and Security