Physical Distancing Strategies

Physical distancing is an essential measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 virus based on health and safety protocols (DTI and DOLE Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID19, DepEd Order s2020-014, DepEd Memo. No 15 s2020, DOLE Order 224-21). On this note, the school will enforce and maintain at least 1.5 meter (about two arms’ length) physical distance between two individuals in the school premises (IATF standards). To ensure that physical distancing is observed, the following safety measures shall be strictly enforced by safety and health marshals, security personnel and school staff:

a. Only school personnel, students with in-person classes, and guests with approved transactions in school are allowed entry to the campus. Schedules of in-person classes shall be arranged so that health and safety standards are upheld. (For the details of the class schedules, refer to the documents on Teaching and Learning Setup prepared by the Assistant Principals for Academics)

b. Mass gathering/aggregation of people in the campus, even in open spaces, is restricted.

c. Cafeterias and canteens shall remain closed. School personnel and students in the campus are enjoined to bring their own packed lunch.

d. Videoconferencing shall be used for meetings needing large attendance of employees and/or for meetings lasting longer than 15 minutes.

e. During days with in-person classes, school curfew will be enforced for students at 6:00 AM - 12:40 PM and clearing time for parents, yayas and drivers is at 8:15 AM - 12:20 PM and 1:00 AM and onwards.

f. All after-school activities will be temporarily banned.

g. The school will also establish proper scheduling of activities and workforce rotation.

h. Classrooms will be set up such that chairs and tables will be arranged following the 1.5-meter distance.

i. Marshals shall be assigned to ensure that physical distancing is observed and maintained in the school premises.