Covid-19 Case Management

Learners and school staff who develop Covid-19 symptoms while in school will immediately be isolated at SMH and referred for proper management and treatment based on the severity of symptoms.

Parents/guardians of the sick learner will be notified immediately for pick-up arrangements.

Learners who are sent home will await their fetcher at SMH.

All learners and staff who are sent home because of an infectious process must present a medical clearance prior to reporting back to class/work. Learners and school staff who likewise absent themselves due to an infectious etiology must present a medical clearance from their private physician. COVID related cases must quarantine for 14 days prior to return to campus. Final clearance will be given by the school physician upon presentation of the said requirements.

HSD staff will commence contact tracing once a patient is reported positive for COVID to determine close contacts. A 14-day quarantine period must be also completed by those tagged as close contacts.

The classroom or general area of the school premises where the confirmed case lingered will be vacated and cordoned-off. The said area will then undergo thorough cleaning and disinfection. Note that there is no need to vacate the building or the whole floor if there has been no

sustained and close contact with the confirmed case. ( Philippine Academy of Physicians in School Health, Inc)

The condition of the sick learner/staff will be closely followed up by HSD staff and necessary information will be forwarded to the SDO School Health and Nutrition Unit as required by existing reporting mechanism ( e.g. DepEd Covid-19 Situational Report).

The NOD will record cases daily and also report and do the proper referral.

Please refer to the ALGORITHM below for your guidance:
