Education and Awareness on the Protective Measures, Hygiene Practices, and Safety Procedures

a. The school shall create a specific school webpage as the central communication and coordination channel to reach out to all stakeholders. It will be utilized to inform and increase the awareness of the stakeholders on the protective measures, hygiene practices and safety procedures that the school will enforce within its premises. All stakeholders are expected to visit the webpage from time to time to keep themselves updated.

b. Emails shall also be sent to all stakeholders participating in the pilot testing for additional and incidental information to be disseminated on these concerns.

c. Series of orientations shall be conducted to all stakeholders as a venue for discussions and clarifications on the protective measures, hygiene practices, safety measures, class programs and other pertinent provisions that the school will implement. They also intend to prepare the stakeholders on the exercise of their duties and responsibilities on these aspects.

d. Signages, markers and postings shall be installed in strategic locations in the campus to provide directions and reminders on the protective measures, hygiene practices and safety measures to all stakeholders.