Miscellaneous meditations

(Various authors)

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Meditations from various authors

Unwind & Relax meditations from "The Honest Guys"

New Horizons  Guided meditations for younger teens

New Horizons Guided meditations for older teens

Downloadable colouring booklet and prayer booklet     

Sleep Meditations and Relaxing Music  

Overcoming Rising Panic - 3 mins

Headspace breathing - 1 minute

Appreciate nature to reduce stress

Getting rid of frustration

Getting more from your workout

Experience your food

13 mins - body scan

Leaves on the stream (20 mins)

Mountain meditation (9 mins)

15 mins compassionate body scan

10 mins anxiety reduction

10 mins - Letting go of sadness

Self esteem meditation (10 mins)

Rainbow meditation (7 mins)

5 mins Gratitude

4-7-8 breathing practice - 4 mins

A listening meditation (9 mins)

Chocolate meditation (5 mins)

Body scan meditation - 6 mins

Start the day well meditation (11mins)

Calm down fast (9 mins)

Loving Kindness - 13 mins

Grounding - 2 mins

Clearing the mind  - 10 mins

Ocean escape guided meditation 10mins

Morning meditation - 10 mins

Progressive Muscle Relaxation 15mins

Progressive Muscle Relaxation 8mins

5 Minute Breathing Practice

10mins Meditation: Let go of perfectionism

Reducing Overthinking - 'Leaves on a Stream' 7 mins

Animated Leaves on the stream - 6 mins

Relaxing Music

Relaxing rain and thunder

Piano and Cello

Relaxing Disney music

8 hrs of relaxing piano music

Relaxing lapping waves

Piano and birdsong

Deep Focus Music for When You Need To Study (1.5 hrs)

Relaxing Ocean Waves 7hrs