Grief and Loss

Grief and Loss is a natural response to loss. Below are resources to help you on your journey through grief.

 If you are concerned about someone who is having suicidal thoughts call 0800 277 997, or 111 immediately. Remember, 1737 is a free 24/7 text or talk service if you or a friend need support or advice.

Shortcuts to other submenu options available under this heading:

5 Things about grieving

Coping with grief

How to deal with grief

Grief - Things will never be the same

Teenage grief

Grief in the family

A Meditation for Overcoming - 16 mins Tragedy

Showing Up for Yourself - Coping with Difficult Times - 2 mins

The Stress Bucket

Grief and what it feels like

Grief: The Invisible Suitcase

Grief: Teens Perspectives - It's normal

How to help a grieving friend

Processing emotions from a sudden loss