Useful Numbers and Contacts

Who can I contact when I need support for myself or someone else?

Mental Health Crisis Team - TACT (Child and Adolescent Services- CRISIS Team). If you are extremely worried about your own or someone else's mental health call THE CRISIS TEAM (TACT) on 0800  277 997, or call the Police on 111 

School Guidance Counsellor, Mrs Jo Grace ( - 03 6842257; Chaplain, Stephanie Mander ; The Deans (Sonia Ottley  for Yr7/8 ; Devyn Gilbert for Yr 9;  Sue Tregenza  for Yr 10 ; Kim Fairbrother; Holly Scott; for Yr 12, for Yr 11 , Julie McLean  for Yr 13; Lara Hearn , and/or  Andrew Jones for overall concerns); or your Whānau Teacher, Senior Management (via the school office: 03 688 6074), or Subject Teacher. This can be done by talking to them, or asking another teacher to put you in touch, emailing, calling, or messaging them, or stopping by their rooms down the main West Watson admin corridor (for the School Guidance Counsellor, Deans, Chaplain, or Senior Management). If you are unsure ask any teacher you feel comfortable talking to to help you get in touch, or go to reception)   

Or you could try your doctor, or the Public Health Nurse, Steph Chapman   (022 0100343)   

1737 - Call or TEXT anytime 24/7. There is also a new option where you can talk with someone who has lived experience of wairangi/mental distress. This link asks for your permission to direct you to the page.

105 - Police non-emergency number This is an option for when the situation is not urgent (otherwise call 111 immediately). Examples might be if you have witnessed a crime, or had something stolen, or think you have information that the police might need etc.

Adventure Development  - Thrive Te Pae Ora Brief intervention service supporting youth mental health wellbeing in Timaru and South Canterbury - 0800 292 988). Referrals can be done by yourself if over 16, through your family, school counsellor, or doctor.

Alcohol and Drug Helpline and website For support with alcohol and drugs for yourself or those you care for. There is also an online chat option. 0800 787 797

Anger Management Support, Timaru If you are struggling to manage your anger, Enabling Youth provides a programme to manage your anger safely. You can refer through the school guidance counsellor or directly with the service.  Tel: (03) 365 6266.  

Anglican Care Oceans Grief and Loss and Social Justice advocacy. Connect with a counsellor or access some excellent resources.

Arowhenua Whānau Services  A Maori Health Provider offering a Marae Based Health Clinic, Youth & Adult Mental Health Services and Tamariki Ora for the Aoraki rohe (South Canterbury Region). (03) 615 5180 

0508 828 865 for the SUICIDE CRISIS HELPLINE help or advice for yourself or for someone you are worried about.

Depression NZ 0800 111 757 or text 4202 for 24/7 support.

Healthline  - Phone 0800 358 5453 – anyone with COVID-19 symptoms can call 24/7 for free health advice. Interpreter services and NZ Relay Services are available to callers.

Family Planning Clinic, Timaru  For women's wellness needs. The service is free for youth under 22 yrs old.  Appointments must be booked online. This service can also be accessed through our Public health Nurse.

Family Works supports families to be safe, strong and connected. Working alongside you and your family, we focus on your strengths, offering free services, programmes, information and other practical support.  FW also supports children and young people, helping them overcome challenges at home or school.  This can include counselling, social work and programmes, working alongside the child or young person and with families, schools and in the community.   

FREE Gum Boot Counselling  For anyone 25 and under who needs the support of a counsellor. We have counsellors available for face-to-face or digital therapy.  

iCAMHS  0800 227 997. Infant, Child, and Adolescent Mental Health. iCAMHS supports mental health concerns. Referrals are made with parent/caregiver support through the school guidance counsellor, family doctor, or through your family/whānau.

LGTBQI RainbowYOUTH is a charitable organisation that was established in 1989. RainbowYOUTH is here to work with queer, gender diverse, takatāpui & intersex youth, their friends, whānau and wider communities in order to ensure that New Zealand is a place where all young people can thrive.  (09)3764155. 

Lifeline Aotearoa  Whatever the issue, we’re here to listen. We’re committed to providing a safe, effective and confidential service to support the emotional and mental well-being of our callers and communities. Call 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354) or text HELP (4357) for free, 24/7, confidential support – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Multicultural Aoraki Connection / Community/ Support. Our mission is to have a thriving multicultural community, united through support, connection & celebration.  Tel: 03 687 7332 

MSD’s COVID WELFARE LINE - You don’t need to be a current user of welfare services. Anyone who is self-isolating and needs support can fill in a form or phone 0800 512 337 8 am–8 pm daily. 

Oceans Grief and Loss/ Social Justice Anglican Care support. Contact: 0800 OCEANS (623267) Phone/Text: 0274 OCEANS (623267), or Ruth on 021 134 0307.

Oranga Tamariki 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459). Dedicated to supporting any child in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future.

RAT Testing - click to re-direct to order a Rapid Antigen Test test - Members of the public can order rapid antigen test (RAT) kits for home testing, if they have COVID-19 symptoms, are a Household Contact or are advised to get a Covid test by a medical professional. You can request RATs through the website or via a free call at 0800 222 478 (and choosing option 3). RATS are free under the public health response for those who need a test - household contacts and people with symptoms. Note: To make a request via the website, people will need to have access to a mobile phone to validate the order. RATs can be requested on behalf of someone else.

Safe to Talk  For support around sexual violence call the National Sexual Harm Helpline and website TEXT 4334

SPARX Interactive support for managing your mood and supporting your hauora.  This site enables you to create an avatar and navigate through various scenarios that help you learn to manage your emotions.  This is also available as an App.

Tautoko Suicide crisis helpline.  A free nationwide service offering support from highly experienced professionals from anyone who may need immediate support over the mental health of themselves or someone they know. This is a 24/7 service. 0508 828 865. 

TACT - Mental Health Crisis Team (Child and Adolescent Services- TACT Team). If you are extremely worried about your own or someone else's mental health call THE CRISIS TEAM (TACT) on 0800  277 997

The Lowdown "For straight-up answers when life sucks".  Support for young people aged 12-19 years old. FREE TXT 5626, web chat or email. 

Whatsup A safe place to talk and chat about anything at all. Nothing is off-limits from Covid-19, friendships, family bothers, self-image etc.  You can web chat or call 0800 942 8787.  

YMCA is now known as the 'Y'. The Y's of New Zealand are community organisations that aim to enable individuals and families to develop physically, mentally and spiritually, and enjoy a healthy quality of life.

Youthline A community of people to engage with for support. It has stories and support for you or if you are supporting someone else. it covers anxiety, exam stress,  advice and much more.  Contact them via Free call 0800 376 633, Free text 234,, or Webchat. 

Timaru Youth Health Clinic. Free medical consultations for youth aged 12-25 yrs on Tuesdays 2 pm-4.30 pm at Talbot Park, 156 Otipua Road, North entrance.