Land Based Skills

Curriculum Intent

At Cleeve Meadow School we aim to offer qualifications which reflect our students’ needs and interests but at the same time equip them with knowledge, experience and employability skills. Therefore, at KS4 we offer a bespoke course designed around the units of the WJEC Entry Pathways Award. The course consists of three units which aim to enable students to gain: basic skills and understanding in the care of animals and plants and accreditation for the work experience undertaken throughout year 11.

Land Based Skills Template Learning Journey.pdf
Curriculum overview - Land Based Skills.docx

KS4 Course - GCSE

Unit 1: Introduction to Animal Care (Entry Level 2/3)

This unit prepares students to recognise animals’ needs and ensure they are being handled properly and well-cared for. It enables them to develop their observational skills during basic health checks to monitor the health and wellbeing of animals and recognise signs of ill health. The grounding knowledge and skills from this unit are beneficial to students hoping to work with animals in a pet shop, on a farm, at a zoo or wanting to make sure that the animals they keep at home are healthy and well-cared for.

Unit 2: Introduction to Plant Care (Entry Level 2/3)

This unit students will learn some valuable knowledge and transferable skills, including working safely in a clean and tidy area, knowing which tools and equipment are required and using appropriate techniques (e.g. sowing, seedling) to give new plants the best possible start and to maintain their healthy growth. Once students have mastered these skills they will be able to grow and carry out the practical care and maintenance of plants to keep them healthy and aesthetically pleasing; whether for their own use or a career prospect.

Unit 3: Preparing for Work Experience (Entry Level 2/3)

This unit aims to enhance students’ employability by providing them with opportunities to undertake work experience at the suitable work placements in an animal and plant related business. Students will learn about the purpose of work experience, how to find a suitable placement and meet its requirements. They will need to complete at least one period of work experience at an appropriate placement (e.g. garden centre, pet shop, animal rescue) and keep a detailed record of daily routines and show some individual initiative.

The transferable and sector skills students develop throughout this course can enable our students to progress to further learning in KS5.