
Curriculum Intent

A confident control and command of language, spoken and written, is crucial.

We offer a curriculum that builds effective foundations for our young people enabling them to move into the worlds of work and further learning, education and training.

English 22_23 Learning Journey.pdf

At Cleeve Meadow School we aim to provide an ambitious and broad English Curriculum  that offers enriching opportunities for our students to build and use knowledge and skills creatively and effectively. 

We want our students to become:

We will provide regular opportunities to plan, draft and ‘publish’ high quality pieces of writing.

We will offer real reasons to write for a variety of purposes and for specific audiences 

There will be regular opportunities to explore text and language through drama and role play.  To have regular opportunities to prepare and make  presentations to peers, staff, school  and the wider community. 

We will  provide effective and positive modelling of writing and reading: 

our students should see ‘teachers who read’ and ‘readers who teach’

We want to build a reading culture with positive book talk that offers a place for students to share and discuss enthusiasms and preferences in their choice of reading. 

KS4 & 5 Courses

Students revisit themes and skills introduced at KS3, developing confidence and stamina in  reading, planning, drafting and writing to time in order to obtain the maximum appropriate level of accreditation by the time they leave Cleeve Meadow. 

At Cleeve Meadow, there are two qualification options. The students can either work towards the Edexcel Entry level certificates at levels 1, 2 or 3 in English or study for the Cambridge IGCSE English - First Language qualification. Students can increase the level of accreditation at entry level or move towards GCSE when they are ready.

Entry Level Certificate:

The Entry Level Certificate sits below GCSE qualifications. Entry Level 3 represents achievement below a GCSE Grade 1. The Pearson Edexcel Entry Level Certificate in English covers the appropriate aspects of the Key Stage 4 programme of study in English. 

Qualification aims and objectives 

For speaking and listening to enable students to: 

For writing to enable students to: 

For reading to enable students to: 


Cambridge IGCSE First Language English is designed for learners whose first language is English. The course enables learners to:

Reading Candidates will be assessed on their ability to: 

Writing Candidates will be assessed on their ability to: 

Speaking and Listening Candidates will be assessed on their ability to: