SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural Education)


At Cleeve Meadow School the spiritual, moral and social education of our students underpins much of our daily practice. Our core purpose is to prepare students for their life journey enabling them to reach their potential and be confidence independent thoughtful and ambitious. Our curriculum, behaviour system, enrichment offer and relationship education work in partnership to achieve these goals:


  • Religious education

  • Mindfulness/ Action your Potential

  • Assemblies

  • Gardening club - awe and wonder about the natural world.


  • PHSE and RSE lessons

  • British Values through school responsibilities

  • Buddy System

  • Behaviour and rewards


  • Life skills

  • Zones of regulation

  • Enrichment projects

  • Skills Builder


  • Enrichment and clubs

  • School trips and events

  • School SOW

  • Theatre productions in house

  • Black History month events

  • Pride month events


At Cleeve Meadow School RSE is taught through SMSC and covered within the PSHE schemes of work, which is based on the Chameleon PDE curriculum, through the National Curriculum for Science and also as specific RSE lessons. The programme is tailored to the age, physical and emotional maturity of the students. With some discrete ‘girls talk’ and ‘boys talk’ lessons.

The RSE lessons will follow the Government guidelines, focussing on issues including private bodies, puberty, periods, relationships, sexual relationships, consent, pregnancy information, feeling good, being safe and sexual health and contraception.


SMSC is delivered across the school through both discrete lessons and through whole school activities and events. Topics focussing on relationships have been specifically chosen from the Chameleon curriculum topics to give students the opportunity to build up healthy and successful relationships with other people, especially their peers, and to have an understanding about equality and diversity within society. Activities around these subjects promote a positive school community and students will learn about promoting a positive wider community, both locally and globally. Students are also made aware of personal safety and issues that are particularly relevant to the age group and ability of the groups being taught. Internet safety is specifically looked at as it is a growing concern within society and it is important to give the students the skills and knowledge to avoid any situation that would compromise their safety and well-being. We place a strong emphasis on learning around peer on peer abuse, in recognition that our students may need extra support to understand the issue and how to keep themselves safe.

Many elements of SMSC are taught across the curriculum and also through whole school events. Assembly themes follow key safeguarding themes, relevant to our students, reinforce learning and enable students to take what they learn into everyday situations. Celebration of achievement events reinforce the students’ emotional well-being and aim to increase students' respect for each other and to build their self confidence. Circle time and discussion forms part of the timetable across the school in a wide range of subjects, especially PSHE and RSE. Within these times students are given the opportunity to discuss how they are feeling and interact with others around them, which forms part of the building relationships through sharing and listening to one another. When students are new to the school, circle time can also form part of settling in and give the students an opportunity to get to know each other. This is something that can be revisited throughout the year.

Some of the students at Cleeve Meadow will have the opportunity to join College Link courses and take part in programmes such as Animal Days Out. This forms part of the enterprise education and also forms part of the maths lessons across the key stages.

Students have bi weekly life skills lessons, focusing on; dressing independently, personal hygiene, road safety, shopping, keeping selves safe, entertainment and leisure, making food and drink, skills around the home.

There will also be regular careers lessons, where students will have the opportunity to investigate a range of different careers, learn different work skills and also take part in enterprise activities, including growing and selling plants, setting up a fair trade tuck shop and planning and hosting a summer drinks party.


Subject leader

  • Take the lead in policy development and review, including the implementation of new strategies

  • To keep curriculum & schemes up to date with current changes in curriculum requirements

  • Ensure good practice is recognised and shared with others, including learning walks and observations

  • To lead and support on Accreditation entries, exams and coursework.

  • To oversee teaching and learning and support teachers where necessary.

  • Analyse data to inform target setting and future planning

  • Be aware of up and coming new initiatives

  • Ensure there are sufficient resources purchased and organised

  • Provide the Head teacher with an annual Governors subject report, to include future developments, progress and budget plans.

  • Class teachers have responsibility for Teaching, Planning, Assessment, Marking, and Levelling, recording and reporting.

Key stage leaders have responsibility for monitoring the above roles, work scrutiny, planning scrutiny, student progress meetings and overseeing reporting and annual target setting.


SMSC is a very important subject at Cleeve Meadow and very much focuses on the individual needs of the students. The subject will continue to move forward and the most important priorities currently are as follows.

  • Skilled and trained staff who are confident in the delivery of all SMSC and RSE topics

  • The tracking of student progress, and clear evidence of learning.

  • Consistent monitoring and quality assurance to ensure the highest levels of teaching and learning across the school.