
how to soothe the brain from the bottom up

The lower parts of the brain controls how our brains take information in about what we see, feel, hear, touch and taste from the world around us and from inside our own bodies and our movement.

Any movement or experience involving our senses that is patterned repetitive and rhythmic will be soothing .

Sometimes we need to give our brains a wee boost to make us alert enough to complete our tasks.

We can do this kind of regulation from the bottom up too. Doing one of these activities just before sitting down to work can sometimes give the brain boost needed to improve concentration or burn off enough energy to help kids to sit still for long enough to get through the job.

Here are some links to activities that will help sooth the lower brain.

You don’t have to wait until you or your child is really stressed out to do these things. A regular routine involving doing these activities frequently can help us to use keep our brains feeling “just right” , less stressed and better able to think clearly.

calming and alerting.pdf

Suggested activities to calm you down or give you a boost!

Things you might want to include in a sensory 'kit'