Help to move between places, people and activities

Nobody really likes being interrupted in the middle of something. It makes us feel stressed, especially if it is something we really want to (or have to) finish. Just think - how annoying is it to be pulled away from a task at work by the phone ringing, or never getting to the end of a to do list before more jobs are added on!

The same is true for children. They get caught up in games and play and don’t pick up the cues that it’s nearly tea time. Or they are sleepy and don’t want to make the effort to get dressed to go to school!!! Children also learn very quickly that when an adult says “we can do it later”, it doesn’t always happen (and we can’t help that).

So it isn’t surprising then that they sometimes struggle to move between tasks, places and people. Or protest when asked to stop doing something they were enjoying (especially if it is do so something they don’t like or want to do).

Some children have particular difficulty moving between tasks/places/people because they need us to give them more support to know what is going to happen and when.


This video has advice on managing transitions, including preparing children in advance for what is happening, and using pictures to support their understanding.