Office Of Student Affairs 


Director of Student Affairs:游茹聿


Job content

1. CSSA jurisprudence service business.

2. Formulation of school supplies work plan, calendar and chapter.

3. Planning for crisis management in the implementation of the elements of the Campus, student complaints review process elements.

4. The formulation of health promoting school implementation plan.

5. Plan Instructor counselling and corrections students.

6. Education Savings Account for business.


1.  綜理學務處業務。

2.  擬定學務工作計畫、行事曆及章則。

3.  規劃校園危機處理實施要點、學生申訴評議處理要點。

4.  擬定健康促進學校實施計畫。

5.  規劃教師輔導與管教學生辦法。

6.  辦理教育儲蓄戶業務。