Station Video Directions
Create a Flipgrid video that explains the directions/concept for each station (like this example.)
Flipgrid is a video discussion platform used to create a Grid (that’s your classroom or group), add Topics to spark the discussion, and your community builds a dialogue as they share short video responses.
Once you create video for each station, you can print a QR code that allows students to watch the video. After you print each station's QR code, hang them around the room. For example, if you scan the QR code on the right, it will play the Ordering Decimals video I created above.
Students then scan the QR codes at each station using the ScanQR extension with their Chromebook webcam (or by using their phone and their camera app or the Flipgrid app).
Once a student scans a QR code, they login with their Google account to play the video directions.
Learn how to create the video directions in Flipgrid and generate the QR code.

Want to include a website for your students to visit?
Create your own QR code with this QR Code Generator. Copy the link of the website you want your kids to visit, paste it into the creator, download the image, print and hang it at your station. It's how I created the QR code on the below, which if you scan, will take you to information Comparing and Ordering Decimals. Now, I can hang my Flipgrid QR code for the station directions, side-by-side with a QR coded resource designed to help students.
Click here to get your own copy of the Station Poster template.