Gmail and Forwarding

When you work in a district that utilizes two email addresses, it might be hard to keep track of both. Fortunately, Gmail has an easy forwarding setting that can send all of your emails to your email address. See how here:

Gmail and Forwarding.webm

Only want some of your email forwarded?

Click on the "Gear" in the upper right hand corner of

Then, click "Settings."

Click on "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" and you can choose to forward all of your email, or you could choose to only have some of your email forwarded by creating a filter.

Choose the type of filter you wish to use, and click "Create filter."

If you are forwarding emails that come from a Google Classroom, there is a specific email address you'll enter in the From field. Check your inbox to copy that exact address.

Then choose your settings to create the filter.