Room and Equipment Sign-ups

Signing-up for a Room/Resource

There are many spaces and resources around the building that we share, and that need to be signed up for.

  1. Start in Google Calendar

  2. Create the event

  3. Click "Add Room"

  4. Choose the building

  5. Choose an available room (if a room does not appear, it is unavailable during the time frame you selected)

Viewing a Room's Calendar

You may wish to sign-up for a room based on it's availability. If you so, you'll need to add the room's calendar to your Google Calendar.

  1. Scroll down

  2. Next to "Other Calendars," click the plus

  3. Choose a building

  4. Choose a room you want to view

  5. You can now turn on and off the room calendar to see when it's available.

Duplicating an Event

Create an event for each class period by time (for example 8:32-9:17) on your calendar. When you want to sign-up for a room, duplicate the period event and choose the room.

  1. Choose your saved period event.

  2. Choose Options > Duplicate

  3. Change the Date

  4. Click "Rooms"

  5. Choose from "Suggested rooms" or by building (your chosen room is displayed the bottom).

  6. Click "Save"

  7. Your new event can be found on the date you chose.

Sharing the Event

At times, you may need to share the event with another staff member.

  1. When creating/editing an event, under Guests click "Add guests."

  2. Type the name(s) of who you'd like to invite.

  3. Click "Save."

  4. Choose if you'd like to send an invitation.

Watch for a Decline email

  1. If you try and book an event that is available for part of the time period you want, you might see the room as available. If it is not available for the entire time period you want, you may still be able to try and book the event, BUT will immediately generate an "Event Declined" email.

  2. There is a chance that you could book an event is a room that has a room manager. That manager might decline the event because they see another need for that room.

More to come!