Organize Materials Daily

Why should I do it:

Teaches students important skills that will be necessary more and more as they get older and progress through school

Reduces wasted time with students looking for things

Increases instructional time

Improves work completion

Students can find their materials and assignments faster and more easily

Improves students’ self confidence

Increases attending behavior

Helps students stay aware of what their assignments are, which are completed, and which they still need to do

Improves homework completion and return

When should I do it:

When a student is disorganized

When a student loses a lot of work

When a student frequently fails to turn work in

When a student spends an abnormal amount of time looking for materials and assignments in their desks or bags

When students have ADD/ADHD

When students have poor home support

When students have trouble remembering what their work is, what they had to do, and what they completed

How do I do it:

Have a student, a select group of students, or your entire class organize their materials in their desks and bags once a day

Set up a standard routine and teach your students how to organize, for example using folders and putting work to do on one side and finished work on the other side, etc.

Help students having difficulty organizing their things and provide one on one support, showing them how to do it and then having them show you

Try a visual checklist for students that are more visually oriented, like those on the Autism Spectrum or those with ADD/ADHD

Resources & Support For Technique:

Teaching Organizational Skills

Provide A Container For The Student’s Belongings

Teaching Organization With Notebook Checks

Helping The LD Child With Organization

Teaching Students Time Management And Organization

Developing Organizational Skills


Strategies To Improve Organizational Skills (scroll down a little on the page)

Helping Your Child With Organizational And Study Skills

Organizational Strategies