Response to Intervention

Why should I do it:

RTI is an academic based intervention addressing primarily academics rather than behavior

Many kids act out and exhibit emotional and coping problems in school due to being behind academically and not understanding the work and concepts

RTI addresses these academic deficits that lead to acting out

Reduces behavior problems and increases coping skills

Improves grades and achievement

Boosts student confidence, work completion, and willingness to work

Improves student’s self concept

Increases student’s independent working and responsibility

When should I do it:

When student’s act out due to being unable to do the work

When it appears a student is avoiding work

When a student seems to act out or behave as the class clown in correlation to having to begin and work on academic tasks

When a student displays work refusal, withdraws from group and pairs work, and seems to make excuses for not doing academic tasks and it is known the student has low scores or low ability in the academic area or an area related to the ability to do the task

How do I do it:

In a nutshell, RTI is a 3 tiered system where each tier of intervention targets more specific academic deficits and more individual students, such that tier 1 interventions target a whole class, tier 2 small groups or pairs, and tier 3 individual students

The basic idea is:

Determine the academic deficit areas

Test these areas to get a baseline

Implement an academic intervention targeting the specific academic deficit area

Test the student again after delivering the intervention

If there is progress, continue this intervention

If there is not progress, try the intervention again or a different one and then test

If you try the same intervention again and it does not work, try a different one and then test

Continue this process until you find an intervention the student responds to

Resources & Support for technique:

Video: Response to Intervention: A Tiered Approach to Instructing All Students

National Center On Response To Intervention

Intervention Central RTI

Internet Resources For RTI

Federal Government Q & A On RTI

RTI Resources

Wayne RESA RTI Information & Resources

RTI & PBS (response to intervention and positive behavior support.pptx)