Assign a Partner

Why should I do it:

Helps teachers with time management

Provides modeling behaviors for other students

Increases student buy-in

Increases student responsibility and accountability

Helps students to focus and stay on task

Decreases challenges to authority

Lowers stress, intimidation, and anxiety levels for students

Helps students get answers and clarification to directions quickly and more frequently

Provides good opportunities for socialization and interactions

Helps students build rapport with others

When should I do it:

When a student is easily distracted and is frequently losing focus

When a student needs a little extra help or guidance with tasks

When a student has trouble with organization, getting things out, putting things away, etc.

When a student is overly shy, timid, or non-responsive to adults and teachers

When a student has trouble working independently

When a student is being picked on

When a student seems withdrawn or isolated

When a student is new

How do I do it:

Chose a buddy or partner that will serve as a good role model

Talk in private with the student that will serve as the role model about what you would like them to do and why you are partnering them up

Talk in private with the student who needs the partner or buddy, explaining that they will be partnered up with another student and why

Speak with the two students together and explain the purpose of putting them together and what your expectations are

You may use more than one buddy or partner