Why should I do it:
Students are apt to work for something they want
Some students need outward motivators
It helps keep students engaged
Provides encouragement
When should I do it:
When you want to increase a positive behavior
How do I do it:
Use the “Forced Choice Reinforcement Menu” to determine what sort of reward student best responds (Adult approval, peer approval, consumable rewards, competitive approval, independent rewards
Identify behavior to be increased.
Determine the amount of behavior to be seen during the day.
Track behavior daily.
Reward at the end of each day with previously identified reward
At any time when you witness the student taking part in the behavior to be increased, verbally praise them. Can be done either quietly or if the student is motivated by peer approval, can be done in front of the class.
Read about the effectiveness and significance of positive reinforcement in this article Praise's Magic Reinforcement Ratio: Five To One Gets The Job Done
Force Choice Reinforcement Men.doc
Jackpot! Ideas For Classroom Rewards
Read about the limitations and proper use of rewards in this article: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes