Take Away Privileges
Why should I do it:
Some students require the need for outside stimulus to help them maintain focus
Anxious students can benefit from stress balls and fidgets as a coping mechanism
Hyperactive students can benefit from keeping their hands busy and off other students and objects
When should I do it:
When a student has difficulty staying in seat, is overly fidgety, hyperactive, always grabbing and playing with objects around them, chewing on pencils and pens a lot, etc
When a student is anxious, nervous, etc
How do I do it:
Explain to a student in private that they will receive a stress ball or fidget to use when they are unfocused, nervous, anxious, feeling fidgety, hyper, etc
Tell the student this will help them to focus better or get through feelings of anxiety or nervousness
Tell the student the appropriate and inappropriate uses of the stress ball and fidget
You may either allow the student to keep the item in their desk or keep it in a certain spot where they can retrieve it from when needed or as part of a routine, for example, in the morning and afternoon
If other students in the class ask about the item or want one too, explain to the class why the student has it and that it is only for that student to use
Resources & support for technique:
Sensory Integration Dysfunction Checklist and Suggestions for Teachers and Parents
Stress balls and fidgets can be purchased at any drug store,Target, WalMart, etc
Try 1001stressballs.com for large quantity imprinted stress ball orders
In addition to stress balls and fidgets, try putting Velcro on the students desk desk, click to see the Velcro intervention