The Coeur d’Alene School District recognizes the importance of science as an essential part of each student’s educational experience. More than a body of knowledge, our district recognizes that scientific ways of thinking are central to our personal, cultural, and societal needs.

If our students are to live successfully in the future, they must become scientifically literate. Scientific literacy enables people to use scientific principles and processes in making personal and public decisions and to participate in discussions of scientific issues that affect society. A sound grounding in science strengthens many of the skills that people use every day such as solving problems creatively, thinking critically, working cooperatively in teams, using technology effectively, and valuing life-long learning. To accomplish scientific literacy in every course offered, instruction will reflect the following:

  • Develop inquiry-based, scientific reasoning, and critical thinking skills.
  • Extend problem-solving skills using scientific methods.
  • Include lab-based experiences.
  • Strengthen positive attitudes about science.
  • Incorporate the use of new technologies.
  • Follow a logical progression with an opportunity for all students to follow special interest areas.
  • Provide relevant connections to personal and societal issues and events.
  • Design and evaluate engineering solutions to real-world problems


When planning coursework, always reference our district's graduation requirements as well as allowable internal and external coursework that we accept.