senior project (1 credit required)

The purpose of the Senior Project is to involve student in active learning beyond the classroom and the opportunity to learn actual experience in an area the student self-selects. The student may be guided by a community mentor/expert.

A complete Senior Project contains four categories:

  • Academic – the project involves formal instruction from a professional in the field;
  • Community Service – the project connects the student to genuine service;
  • Career – the project involves potential future employment; and
  • Personal Growth – the project presents a unique personal challenge.

Senior Projects are required to include a written report and an oral presentation by the end of grade 12.



1 credit; 1 semester

School Aide is an elective class that selects only those students who demonstrate excellent citizenship and work ethic. Student aides provide valuable services such as running errands, helping students, and generally assisting in the operation of the office or library. Serving as a student aide under proper guidance and conditions provides students with valuable training for future employment.

Aides must realize that any items of business that are transacted in the offices or library are confidential. Student aides are never to release, nor in any manner utilize any general information about any students at any time. Failure to maintain confidentiality at all times will be cause for immediate dismissal from this elective.


1 credit; 1 semester

This course is a comprehensive look at the postsecondary experience. Students will gain knowledge in academic areas such as, but not limited to, college course structure, study skills, essay writing, and source citations. They will also increase their understanding of practical application topics such as, but not limited to, time management, involvement in extracurricular activities, money management, and stress management. This course is intended for upperclassmen (11th and 12th graders) who are interested in learning more about the college experience and how to be better prepared for life after high school.


1 credit; 1 semester

Study Strategies is a class that provides academic and organizational support for students who may need accommodations or show a history of struggling academically. The focus of the class is to give students time to get work completed, connected with assessments, establishing self-advocacy skills, and building a support network within the academic environment. Students will continually conference with the teacher to problem-solve independently, develop strategies to find missing work, communicate with teachers, and create plans for getting work completed and submitted in a timely fashion. The goal of this class is to help each student based on individual need to become better at their organizational and self-management skills. Placement for this class is determined by the counselors.


1 credit; 1 semester

This course is designed for students to assist their fellow students in learning their academic content, personal management, job skills, social skills, behavior, and other life skills. It is a unique learning experience in which peer tutors will have daily opportunities to develop positive attitudes and relationships with other students. Peer tutors are positive role models, and advocates for each student in the school in partnership with teachers, administrators, and support staff.



1 credit; 1 semester

This leadership class will require you to plan, implement and evaluate projects as an individual or small group. In doing so, you will be using both problem-solving and leadership skills. You will be challenged to understand your role in leadership and to identify ways in which you interact with others. We will be actively studying leadership by examining communication, organization, goal-setting, decision making and motivation.


1 credit; 1 semester

Student Council at Coeur d'Alene Public Schools is a semester-long elective course designed to prepare students for leadership opportunities in college and in the work environment. The course offers students with the opportunity to foster a variety of essential skills such as communication, organization, goal setting, collaboration, event planning, time management, public speaking and critical thinking. The purpose of associated student body leadership in our district schools is to plan and implement activities that not only serve but also enrich the student body, the staff, and the community.


1 credit; 1 semester

Youth Volunteers in Action! The primary focus of YVA is the development of the whole person and fosters more compassionate and active world citizens. Participation in the Lake City High School YVA program encourages students to be engaged in artistic pursuits, extra-curricular activities, and the community. Growth through involvement builds students awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena and helps create a socially conscious world learner. This course involves doing volunteer work outside of the regular school day on special events and for members of the community, young kids, the elderly, people with special needs, animals, the environment, and more. The students must have 80 hours of service and a one page reflection paper to receive credit and can receive one YVA credit per semester. Students may complete their 80 hours of service and reflection paper in a semester or the year.

Course Note: Non-GPA Credit


1 credit; 1 semester

This course is designed for students to assist their fellow students in learning their academic content, personal management, job skills, social skills, behavior, and other life skills. It is a unique learning experience in which peer tutors will have daily opportunities to develop positive attitudes and relationships with other students. Peer tutors are positive role models, and advocates for each student in the school in partnership with teachers, administrators, and support staff.