
Section 1: “Back in the Saddle Again”

Three years ago when I started this graduate program it was because my wife told me to, and I normally do what she tells me to do…. Just kidding! Well, I am not entirely kidding.

I received my degree from Saint Bonaventure University in History in 2009 and ever since then I have been a teacher. For seven years I put off going back to school because I was afraid I couldn’t do it; work and handle the rigor of a graduate program. I spoke with the head of our school to get some advice regarding what I could do that could help the school. Between him and my wife I decided to take classes that were part of the Information Science and Learning Technology in Schools program.

I knew I wanted to do something that involved education and technology. At that point in my teaching career I was trying to incorporate more technology into my teaching but I was not sure how and what was the best way. After taking one class and learning more about the program I was hooked and excited to learn more.

Before this program most of my use of technology was to substitute for pen and paper and I was just starting to use Google Classroom. At this point, one class from completing my degree, I am using technology to transform the learning experience for my students and finding more ways to be innovative in the classroom. I was happy to be back as a student and I was excited to use what I had learned in my classroom.

Section 2: “I Can Learn”

There were many lessons that I learned throughout this program but three stand out above the rest.

Don’t Substitute, Transform

In my first class “Learning with the Internet” with Dr. Isa Jahnke I quickly learned about the impact technology can have on student learning. My big takeaway was to incorporate technology into my curriculum in a way that transforms the learning experience for my students, try not to use technology to substitute for what a pen and paper can accomplish.

Throughout the course I spent time with classmates research different Applications for Education that transformed the learning experience for students. When it came to using these Apps I learned how best to incorporate them into my curriculum with careful planning and attention to learning outcomes. At the end of the course I was able to create a project based learning assessment that incorporated technology in a way that challenged students to learning in different ways.

Artifact #1: AP United States History Project Based Learning Assessment

Don’t Just Verify for Learning, Create Assessments for Learning

In “Technology and Assessment” with Dr. Jane Howland I learned about the importance of constructing assessments in order to assess for learning not just to verifying that learning has taken place. In history there is a lot of multiple choice assessment to verify that students have learned the material that you have taught them. What these assessments do not do is take into account what the student valued from the learning experience. By creating assessments for student learning you create a student centered classroom. Using backwards design I created an assessment that incorporated what students valued about the learning experience. Going forward I will continue to try to make more assessments for learning to try and reach my students and enhance their learning experience.

Artifact #2: Technology and Assessment Performance Assessment

Don’t Just be a Teacher, Be a Learner

Until I started this program I was only focused on how to become a better teacher. I never looked at myself as a professional learner. In order to be the best teacher I can be I need to continue to be innovative and I need to learn from my successes and failures. In Action Research with Dr. Keri Jones I learned how to properly gather qualitative and quantitative data in order to evaluate my own teaching. Learning about myself in the classroom goes beyond just interpreting test scores it means setting up processes to evaluate my teaching strategies. In doing so I can continue to be innovative in my approach to teaching. I can find new and better ways to create learning experiences for my students. For my final project in this course I created an Action Research Plan that evaluated my use of Google Classroom vs. Google Sites as a learning management system. In implementing this plan I found out how best to communicate with my students in order to improve their performance and how to most effectively to organize resources for them.

Artifact #3: Action Research Plan: Google Sites vs. Google Classroom

Section 3: “The Future is Now”

This degree program has transformed my outlook on teaching. I know what works in the classroom to get results but I want to make sure that I am reaching all of my students and the different ways that they learn. I think I have become a better learner and a better teacher. My role at school has already increased, getting me involved in more professional development and allowing me to become a better department chair.

My teaching strategies have evolved through my time in this program, I have incorporated technology into my curriculum in order to be more innovative. I want to move forward as a teacher that continues to evolve and does not become complacent just because I think something works.