Learning with the Internet


Explores the potential of the Internet to support inquiry-based learning through collaborative activities, research, and authoring/publishing. Investigates goals and strategies of online learning. Examines learning theories and models of teaching/learning in relation to selected Internet activities for K-12 students.


This course focused on the construction of classroom lessons by using inquiry based learning and collaborative activities. The text and additional resources provided by Professor Jahnke were very information. What really impressed me about this course was how it practiced what it preached. Throughout the course the modules but my classmates and I in situations in which we needed to collaborate and problem solve to accomplish our task. We researched online learning apps for education that promoted collaboration in groups and shared what we learned with the class. I learned that technology can be used in the classroom improperly. It is not enough just to use technology, doing so to substitute for normal classroom tools like pen and paper does not use it to its full potential. Technology needs to be built into the curriculum to create a transformative learning experience for students. At the end of the class I created a project based assessment for my students that I have used for the past two years. My students have enjoyed it and in their own reflections they have commented on how they appreciate the different approach and actually learned more about history and working together as a team.