Technology Leadership


Develop skills, knowledge, and values needed to provide leadership in schools. Analyzes characteristics of effective leaders, focusing on staff development. Explores technology and school reform, technology integration, and current issues. Online. Graded on A-F basis only.


After taking this course I believe the most important factors of technology leadership are learning, communication, and reflection. You need to be a professional learner at all times. Staying up on the latest digital tools for the classroom as well as the changing curriculums of disciplines allows a teach leader to stay current and inform others. We can not settle on works good we need to continue to learn to find out how we can grow and do it better so that our students can obtain higher levels of achievement in and out of the classroom. Communication knowledge is a key. A tech leader must be able to communicate to students, faculty and administration the purpose and importance of digital tools and their correct usage. All stakeholders, in some cases this included parents, need to be aware of why it (different digital tools) is being used, how it is used, what is being gained. Change is difficult for everyone and all stakeholders need to be invested in digital changes to understand their benefits and challenges. Reflection is the last component. Teachers need to take time to reflect on their use of technology as it pertains to their designed learning outcomes. Are technology skills included in learning outcomes? What are they and how do they contribute to student growth? Is the technology being used to transform the learning experience for students? What it effective and if not what can be done better? Every teacher needs to reflect, take notes, and refine from year to year to grow with their students.