Navigating the desktop site

The dashboard

This is your homepage, containing a variety of widgets which we have pre-designed for you. You can create your own dashboard and add/configure your widgets if you like.

The widgets contain all the information you are most likely to want to see at a glance. The information will contain links which will take you to more information and/or give you the opportunity to add your own comments.

Task data

Visit here to see the results of all the safety compliance checks relating to your property.

Green results mean things are OK, red results indicate an issue that needs to be resolved. You will be informed as necessary if there are any issues you need to be involved in.

You can filter the results by various parameters, such as only showing the red results and/ or issues not yet closed using the Show filter button.

Location information

If you click Locations, highlight your property, then click View location, you will have access to all the information held about that property from the side menu.

From here you can view the same task data noted above, and also location notes. Location notes are notes and jobs added against the property not related to a safety compliance task- for example a routine maintenance job.


To ensure all the required checks are made at a property, they are assigned to schedules.

Click the Schedules button to see any upcoming checks due at your property. This will include our routine safety checking schedules, but also any upcoming certification expiries (these will be marked 'Document audit'). Using the date filters at the top of the screen you can look ahead for days, weeks, months and even years ahead.

Finding your documents

Documents, such as a gas safety certificate, can be saved in various places on the system. To find a full list of all documents associated with your property, including any photos that may have been taken, you can use the Document Explorer.

To get to this, click the Maintenance menu at the top of the screen, then select Document Explorer. All of your document should be here.