

When we received our song we all immediately started generating ideas on what we could feasibly create as a music video. Personally i found it quite difficult to try and think of an idea as the song is so far removed from the music which I, or anyone in my group for that matter, actually listened to so we were struggling to think of a solid idea which we were all happy with. We eventually saw it best practise to just go with a simple performative music video of a dancer dancing to the song in a blacked out studio. We filmed a test shot which we used as inspiration to try and build a better idea of what it would look like before we took it into the tv studio. On the day of filming we were all rather stressed as we had limited time to film it so we all immediately got to work and managed to get everything done by the end of the day.

The following week we all took the footage and decided to create our own edits. I didn't particularly enjoy this part of the project as I'm not necessarily a big fan of editing however I managed to create an edit I was happy with. If i were to redo this project I think I would take more time trying to think of an idea instead of just going with the first thing I came up with. I also believe that I could have put more effort into it and applied more time management skills to make sure we didn't have to rush.