SEND Information

Special Educational Needs and Disability

How does the school know if my child has SEN and what should I do if I think my child has SEND?

At Barling Magna Primary Academy we place great importance on identifying SEN early so that we can help children as soon as possible. Teachers are continually observing the children in their class, in addition to the school’s rigorous monitoring schedule, and if they have any concerns they can discuss these with the Inclusion Manager at any time.

Pupil Progress meetings are held half termly with the Inclusion Manager to formally use tracking of data to identify those not making expected progress. We do not assume just because a child is making slower progress than expected or is attaining below average for their age that the child has SEND, but if there are any concerns they will be discussed with the parents as soon as possible.

Sometimes the needs do not focus around academic achievement, but, more about attention and concentration skills, communication skills and social interaction skills, which can manifest themselves as behavioural issues. 

If you are concerned about how your child is doing at school please talk to either the class teacher or SENCo.

Who can I contact for more Information?

Within school the Inclusion Manager is Miss Edwards and the Head of School  is Mrs S Clarke, if you would like to speak to either or request a meeting, please contact the school on 01702 219435 or email  In addition, there is a Useful Links page within the SEN section of our website.

The Local Authority have published a “Local Offer” to outline services available to children and their families and to explain what they can expect from a range of local agencies. More information can be found at

Miss Edwards - SENCo

What are Special Educational Needs?

The term Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEN) has a legal definition.  

‘A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

• has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or

• has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.’ (SEN Code of Practice; DfE 2015)

Special educational needs and provision can be considered as falling under five broad areas:

How will the school support my child?

The Inclusion Manager is Miss Edwards, she is supported by Mrs S Clarke, the Head of School, who has obtained both the National and Advanced Qualifications for co-ordinating Special Educational Needs Education accredited by the University of Hertfordshire.

Miss Edwards' role is to co-ordinate all the specific provision that is put in place, to liaise with the class teachers and, together with all adults involved, to monitor a pupil’s progress and well-being. She also liaises with a range of external agencies such as educational psychologists, specialist teachers and speech therapists who can give us more specialised advice. 

Miss Edwards keeps up to date with national developments in SEN practice and disseminates this information to the relevant school staff. In addition, as a result of her monitoring, she identifies and implements training for teachers and support staff to ensure all are equipped with the knowledge they need to fully understand and meet the needs of the children in their classes.

In accordance with the SEN Code of Practice (DfE 2015) we offer a graduated approach to the implementation of additional provision provided for pupils with SEND:

Further detailed information can be found within the SEN section of our website.

Regardless of the level of need, all staff continually adapt the curriculum to personalise learning to children’s abilities either through differing tasks, resources or support. This provides children with an opportunity to succeed, whatever their ability.

At our school we believe that all additional support should never be delivered in a generic way but personalised to meet each individual’s needs. Staff continually undertake informal assessments through observation, questioning and recording therefore, if the additional support being provided is not having a positive impact, timely action can be taken to make adjustments or to provide alternative provision. DEtails of the Interventions we offer can be found in the booklet below.

How inclusive is the school?

Our school is all on one level, with accessible facilities for wheelchair users throughout the ground floor.

We are committed to the inclusive education of children with SEN through adapting provision, scaffolding tasks and removing barriers to learning to enable them to fully participate with their peers in the learning taking place in the classroom. When necessary, reasonable adjustments and access arrangements are made for a child in accordance with the Equality Act.

We also make every effort to ensure children with SEN are included in activities outside the classroom such as clubs and trips, including residentials.

How will the school prepare for my child to join the school and move on to a new school?

There are a range of transition arrangements in place for all children and additional ones can be implemented depending on individual need.

When starting in reception, home and pre-school placement visits will be arranged. If appropriate, additional visits can be made and resources such as photobooks provided.

When transferring across year groups children will meet their new teacher and learning assistant during our Transition Week. In addition, for those pupils that find ‘change’ difficult to manage, further transition work is carried out which may include “All About me” booklets and pupil passports.

When transferring to secondary school, our Inclusion manager will meet with the relevant SENCOs to share information and arrange meetings with the parents of children with SEN and extra visits to the new school for individuals or groups. An extra support programme is run in school by our SENCo, for those children that are less confident and may find the move to their new school daunting.

How will we know how well they are doing?

Within school, One Plan meetings are held termly to discuss progress formally, although if progress is a concern informal meetings can be held at any time.

To support a child with SEND, teachers work with the SENCo to produce a termly One Plan which will consist of individual targets for the child to work on in school. Pupils and parents are involved in devising outcomes and targets for these plans at the meeting alongside their teacher.

Further detailed information can be found in the SEN section of our website.

How can I be involved?

Where a child is receiving SEN support we will regularly talk to parents to set long term outcomes, clear short term targets and to review progress termly. The One Plan will outline the personal targets for your child and these can be worked on at home as well as in school. Your child’s class teacher or the SENCo can provide advice or strategies on how best to do this.

How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for pupils with SEN?

Throughout the year, the SENCo and other members of the senior leadership team undertake a rigorous monitoring schedule which includes the pupils on the SEN register. This will involve lesson observations, pupil interviews and book looks.

Each half-term the Senior Leadership Team meets individual class teachers to review each pupil’s progress. The impact of interventions is discussed and adapted or ceased depending on their effectiveness. In addition, termly data is submitted through class teacher summative assessments and quantitative data such as testing in reading, spelling and maths. This is also analysed for evidence of progress and timely action taken if progress towards the child’s next steps is not evident.

Furthermore, there is a named Trustee for SEN to whom annual reports must be submitted and who holds the school accountable for their use of funds and the progress of pupils with SEN.

What if I am concerned about my child’s education?

It is natural that parents may, occasionally, be concerned about an aspect of their child's education or welfare at school. This could include issues concerning the school's approach to aspects of the curriculum, homework, behavioural problems or any other issue.

The school welcomes enquiries from parents about any matter. Teachers and staff will explain the school practices, policies, and how they affect the pupils. The vast majority of concerns will be handled by the class teacher in the first instance. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the school office to arrange an appointment to discuss your concern with Miss Edwards, our SENCo or Mrs S. Clarke the Head of School

If you feel that a formal record is necessary then all written complaints should be addressed to the Headteacher. If, however, your complaint concerns the Headteacher personally, it should be sent to the school marked “For the attention of the Chair of Trustees”

The school's policy is to follow the Local Authority (Essex County Council) guidelines when handling concerns and complaints. A copy of the school’s complaints policy and procedures can be found in the policy section of our website.

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS formally Parent Partnership) provides information, advice and support to parents, carers, children and young people in relation to Special Educational Needs and Disability. Email:

Phone number: 0333 013 8913