Clubs & Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

It has been long recognised that a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is certainly the case for children.

Our breakfast club plays an important role in preparing children for the learning and day that lies ahead of them whilst building social skills and confidence.

It operates during term time between 7:30am and 8:35am and breakfast is served until 8:15am. Children receive a choice of one item for breakfast plus a drink from the following options: cereal, toast, fresh fruit and porridge, water, milk or fruit juice.

Costs: £4 for 7:30 – 8:35         £3 for 8:00 to 8:35

N.B. From September 2024 Breakfast Club charges will increase to £5 and £4 respectively.

Children have the opportunity to join in a range of fun games and creative activities until the school day begins. We also have a Homework table which can offer adult support to pupils wishing to complete their weekly tasks.

If you are a working parent you may be entitled to Childcare vouchers; they are an employee benefit for all eligible working parents

They are a Government-approved, tax-efficient way of paying for childcare. If you join a scheme, you can exchange up to £243 a month (£55 a week) of your gross salary for childcare vouchers.

The part of your gross salary you exchange for childcare vouchers is tax-free and exempt from National Insurance contributions (NI). Because of this, you can make savings of up to £933* a parent, a year.

After school clubs

After School Clubs are generally run on a termly basis for 10 weeks. A letter with an application form is issued to every child in advance and places are allocated on a first come first served basis.

The clubs vary in content from Netball, Football, Drama, Cookery, Art & Design, Makaton to Yoga


If the club is run by the Schools Sports Partnership they are funded by the sports premium grant so are free.  The cost for most other clubs will be £3 per session.

Running a club requires commitment and planning from the tutors and it is expected that pupils will attend all sessions. Refunds will only be given where the school has cancelled the session. Clubs will not normally be cancelled in poor weather but if it is necessary to do so parents will be notified by the school.

With regard to the funding of clubs for children entitled to pupil premium, this will be considered on an individual basis. Schools are held accountable for how they have used the additional funding and are required to report how the grant is being used to support pupil achievement and academic progress in their school. However, there may be times where we can assist by making contributions towards other areas of the curriculum depending on individual and family circumstances. Should you wish to discuss the matter further, please either put your queries in writing or call the school office to make an appointment.

For further information, a copy of our Pupil Premium Policy, a summary of income & expenditure and also our PP Strategy can be found on the Pupil Premium page of this website.