Managing Behaviour

Our Aims

 Other related policies can be found here and under the 'Policies & GDPR tab' such as:

- child protection policy

- e-safety policy




At Barling Magna Primary Academy we are consistent in our approach to sanctions across the school. Children will receive a sanction every time their behaviour is inappropriate. At each stage the children are encouraged to make the right choices and take ownership of their own behaviour. Every class uses the school’s “In class consequence system”, which is displayed and reviewed regularly.

At any time should behaviour under review gives cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm. Where this may be the case, school staff should follow the schools’ safeguarding policy. They should also consider whether continuing disruptive behaviour might be the result of unmet educational or other needs. At this point, the school should consider whether a multiagency assessment is necessary.

Consequence System =                                               

Reminder of rule

Time Out in own class; 5 mins with egg timer, Record kept in class file

Time out in Buddy Class; 5 mins KS1 10 mins KS2, Child & CT fill in sheet to reflect on behaviour, Record kept in class file

Yellow Card; Miss a break & Lose 5 mins of Golden Time, Go to see DHT, Record kept in class file, Teacher verbally informs parents

Red Card; Miss 2 more breaks & Lose 10 mins of Golden Time, Go to see HT, Record kept in class file, Letter home to parents

2 Red Cards; Refer to HT, Meeting with parents, Class exclusion, 

3 Red cards (within a half term) = School exclusion *

Teachers will ensure that each stage of the consequence system is followed in order. Most of the time it won’t be necessary to use the system at all in class as positive reinforcement should be enough to prevent behaviour from escalating. When going to a Buddy class the class teacher must send the child with a time out record sheet for the buddy class teacher to acknowledge the reason why the child has been sent there. This must then be handed back to the class teacher so that it can be filed in class records. 


A similar system is in operation however, we acknowledge that much of the children’s learning is around appropriate social interaction. Therefore, much of the behaviour management involves praise and rewards alongside verbal reminders and corrections. If appropriate the child may be spoken to 1:1 to discuss the appropriate actions. The EYFS regularly converse with parents so will keep them informed of any consistent inappropriate behaviours. If negative behaviours continue then a 1min and/or later a 5min Time Out in class may be required.


The same system operates at morning breaktime. The individual or group is given a reminder of the rule. If the behaviour still continues they will be given 5 minutes timeout with the teacher on duty. If after this it’s still continuing a yellow card will be given, followed by a red card and the procedures above are to be followed.

Any incidents of bad language or fighting results in a yellow card being given immediately. 

Incidents involving homophobic remarks, bullying and/or racism are reported directly to the Headteacher.

Parents will always be informed regarding swearing, homophobic/racist remarks, fighting and other serious or persistent misbehaviour.


A separate system will operate at lunchtimes.

There may be situations whereby children’s names can be put straight into the behaviour log and brought into school for a cooling off period; fighting is one of these.