Our Vision for EYFS 

At Barling Magna Primary Academy we believe that every child is unique and in the Early Years Foundation Stage we acknowledge the potential for learning in every activity and situation that arises.

Our aim is to provide a secure and stimulating environment in which children flourish and learn to make sense of the real world. 

We make the children feel valued and give them the confidence to become active learners. 

Our activities provide first hand experiences and through play and discussion, children are encouraged to interact with others, to move about and explore a wide variety of learning situations. There are well-planned areas of provision in the wide range of activities, resources and materials available. Opportunities are provided for sustained activity and continuous provision, as well as spontaneous, self-chosen activities. It is important to us that children experience success, have fun and enjoy themselves whilst learning. 

Focused Teaching

Short, whole class phonics sessions are introduced in the Autumn term and the children then use their understanding of sounds to read simple texts and write for a range of different purposes in their play.

Handwriting sessions are also delivered several times a week and during these lessons the children work on developing their fine motor skills and pencil control using handwriting patterns. They also have the opportunity to practise writing their name.

Maths is taught daily and the concepts are introduced in a fun and interactive way. Our focus for the Spring term includes: counting and ordering numbers from 1-20, recognising 2D and 3D shapes, identifying units of measurement and learning the language for time.

The children's learning is documented in their individual, on line Learning Journeys (Tapestry), which include photos of the children and short observations, all of which are then linked to the EYFS framework. Family members are able to add to these at home and can access their child’s learning journey from many different mobile devices.

Parents and carers are invited into the classrooms for our weekly Family Friday sessions when they are able to join in with activities and learn how to support their child at home.

The Curriculum


In the Early Years Foundation Stage we use an exciting way to record and share children's learning during their time in nursery and reception. This system, called ‘Tapestry’, is an ‘online learning journal’ and enables staff to take photographs, videos and make written observations of some of the learning experiences and achievements that children have at school. This information can be accessed through the Tapestry app or website so that parents/carers can celebrate learning at home too. Parents can also add their own photos and comments to the journal, send messages or ask any questions that they may have.  Children will be set regular home learning challenges, which will also be monitored using Tapestry.