
The team is going to require:

  • Perhaps a diary outlining how each day or week goes.

  • Perhaps if you meet an intelligent species you can communicate with, whats the origin story

  • Anything else you want to include

How do you achieve this?

For this one its quite easy, you need to write.

The written language is one of the most common ways of communicating. A lot is gained from the reading of diaries from famous explorers. We know of the theory of evolution from Charles Darwin's diaries. The western world knows of the Americas thanks to Christopher Columbus’s diaries.

Another aspect of the written word is stories. Origin stories are fascinating. How did the world come to being, and how did the land come to be? If you can communicate with the inhabitants of this land, what is the origin story?

As a specialist with words, can the life forms communicate? Do they use the written word? Can you recognise the structures and cadences?