Project Manager

The outcome of this project is a presentation of all your team's findings. In a time where we are approaching a new world, we are going to assume that the presentation will be electronic, (clue, it has to be as it goes off to MIT).

So, someone with great IT skills is needed who can pull together all the threads of your team's expertise into a compelling story that can be shared with the people of Earth (MIT).

How do you achieve this?

  • Early on your team will come up with what your exoplanet looks like - it's your job to set these decisions out early on in your 'presentation'.

  • Your team mates will then go on to work on their own individual projects - this is a chance for you to plan out what you are going to receive from them, and even give them instructions on how they should submit their work to you.

  • Put it all together into a recognised file format. You are going to have to submit your work to MIT so a link to a shared file would be good. MAKE SURE IT IS SHARED BY ALL, not just addresses.

  • As the activity comes to a close ensure you have submitted your link onto the Google Form so I (Mr Astbury) can see it, and also submitted it to MIT.