Week Without Walls January 2022

What do we know so far?

The excerpt from MIT is as follows


Professor Seager invites your students to join her in her hunt for the next Earth. Of all known exoplanets, which is the most likely to support life, and why? What kind of life might be supported on that planet?

What does life need to survive, and what kind of clues do scientists like Dr. Seager search for to know if light, water, and oxygen might be present on a planet? We’ll tap into data coming in from the recently launched Webb telescope. If your students are like Dr. Seager, they don’t think we’re alone in this universe. Let’s find our neighbors!

Make a model of the planet you think is most likely to harbor life, or describe a species that might be found on that planet. Be specific! Share your data, hypothesis, and creativity!


Submit your questions to Dr Seager here on Global Campus - https://globalcampus.nae.school/course/view.php?id=1125