Job roles

STEAM is a word you hear a lot in BIS, but what does it actually mean?

There are lots of definitions but the one we are using here is:

S - Science - (For example, Physics, Biology, Chemistry)

T - Technology - (Computer Science / ICT, Art, any technology in a lesson)

E - Engineering (DT, Physics, Maths)

A - All/Art, (English, Art, Humanities)

M - Maths (Maths, Physics, Computing)

In short, STEAM is where we abandon the idea of “this is a XXXXX lesson” and say “we have a problem/task, what skills do we use to solve it”.

So in short, specialists from all subjects all work together to solve a problem, or individuals call upon skills from many subjects. So now take a look at the job roles back on the session 1 page to see which job you want to take on.

Artist, Engineer, Geographer, Historian, Project Manager, Scientist (Biologist), Scientist (Chemist), Scientist (Physicist), Writer, Other.